![]() of the South African War 1900-1902 |
Found 763 matches for District / Town: Fauresmith - Click the Name for full details | |||
Farm ID | Farm | Town | District |
24627 | Abrahamskraal / Abraham's Kraal | Fauresmith | |
17205 | Ackermann family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
27417 | Afknip / Afknyp | Fauresmith | |
14098 | Afloop | Fauresmith | |
27607 | Albertse family | Fauresmith | |
22770 | Alicedale | Fauresmith | |
17463 | Anahaarkraal | Fauresmith | |
22373 | Arabie | Fauresmith | |
22773 | Arbietersfontein | Fauresmith | |
25188 | Armoedsfontein | Fauresmith | |
17430 | Asvogelsknop | Fauresmith | |
17076 | Bain family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
14244 | Bakbank | Fauresmith | |
442 | Bam family | Fauresmith | |
17190 | Bankfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
13767 | Banksdrift | Fauresmith | |
17167 | Bantjesfontein | Fauresmith | |
22277 | Barendkrantz | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
24860 | Barnard family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22505 | BaviaanKrantz | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
551 | Beestfontein | Fauresmith | |
22229 | Bergfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
22409 | Bergrivier | Fauresmith | |
17902 | Bester family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
13572 | Bestersdrift | Fauresmith | |
25271 | Bethel | Fauresmith | |
24861 | Biesjesfontein / Bisiefontein | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
12047 | Biesjesspruit / Biessiespruit | Fauresmith | |
24776 | Biessiesbult | Fauresmith | |
27557 | Biessiesput | Fauresmith | |
24691 | Blaauboschbank / Blauwbosbank / Blauwboschbank | Fauresmith | |
17629 | Blaauwbank / Blauwbank | Fauresmith | |
17041 | Blaauwgom's Dam | Fauresmith | |
27030 | Blaauwheuvel / Blaauwheuwel | Fauresmith | |
22224 | Blaauwkant | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17420 | Blaauwkoppie | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22219 | Blaawhevel / Blauwheuvel | Fauresmith | |
27829 | Blauwboshkopje | Fauresmith | |
17438 | Blesbokfontein | Fauresmith | |
17663 | Bleskop | Fauresmith | |
17328 | Blignaut family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17904 | Blignaut family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
13149 | Bloedfontein | Fauresmith | |
22562 | Bloem family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
36807 | Bloemfontein | Fauresmith | |
9264 | Bluegumsdam | Fauresmith | |
22506 | Blydesehap | Fauresmith | |
17149 | Blydschap | Fauresmith | |
16914 | Blyfontein | Fauresmith | |
17908 | Boesman's Fontein | Fauresmith | |
9267 | Boesmanput | Fauresmith | |
25551 | Boesmansfontein | Fauresmith | |
19039 | Boesmanspan / Bushmanspan / Bushmanskop | Fauresmith | |
24684 | Boesmansput | Fauresmith | |
22646 | Bokpoort | Fauresmith | |
9270 | Bokpost | Fauresmith | |
22649 | Bokpost Zuid | Fauresmith | |
17063 | Bont family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
27539 | Boomplaatz | Fauresmith | |
22583 | Borsthap family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22395 | Boschjespan / Boschjiespan | Fauresmith | |
24634 | Boschmansfontein | Fauresmith | |
19117 | Boschrurk | Fauresmith | |
25087 | Boschvaarkfontein | Fauresmith | |
24610 | Boschvarkfontein | Fauresmith | |
22529 | Boshof family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
523 | Boshoff family | Fauresmith | |
17451 | Boshoff family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17901 | Boshoff family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
23064 | Boshoff family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17646 | Bosjes Pan | Fauresmith | |
25391 | Bosjesbult | Fauresmith | |
17618 | Bosjesfontein | Fauresmith | |
22563 | Bosjespan | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
25531 | Bosmanspan | Fauresmith | |
25260 | Bosmansput | Fauresmith | |
13350 | Bosvarkfontein | Fauresmith | |
17305 | Botany Grove | Fauresmith | |
11961 | Botha family | Fauresmith | |
17346 | Botha family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22561 | Botha family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
25447 | Botha family | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
11924 | Botha family | Fauresmith | Vrede |
25145 | Bothashoop | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22574 | Bothman family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22217 | Brakfontein | Fauresmith | |
15178 | Brakpan | Fauresmith | |
22266 | Brakput | Fauresmith | |
22470 | Brandewijn's Kuil / Brandewijnskuil | Fauresmith | |
17138 | Brandfontein | Fauresmith | |
22218 | Brandkraal | Fauresmith | |
16731 | Breemhoogte | Fauresmith | |
17136 | Bremner family | Fauresmith | |
27314 | Brink family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17665 | Brits / van Schalkwyk family | Fauresmith | |
25077 | Brits family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
17631 | Britsdam | Fauresmith | |
22545 | Britz family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17023 | Bruce family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22291 | Bruintjes Hoogte / Bruintjieshoogte | Fauresmith | |
16840 | Bruisfontein | Fauresmith | |
17506 | Brummer family | Fauresmith | |
17895 | Brummer family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17043 | Buffelbont | Fauresmith | |
11857 | Buffelhout | Fauresmith | |
25193 | Bultfontein / Baltfontein | Fauresmith | |
24615 | Bushmansfontein | Fauresmith | |
22397 | Buylangs | Fauresmith | |
17164 | Camm family | Fauresmith | |
25480 | Carmel | Fauresmith | |
17590 | Carter family | Fauresmith | |
17047 | Classen family | Fauresmith | |
22518 | Cloete family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
25309 | Cloete family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
13642 | Coetsee family | Fauresmith | |
17510 | Coetze family | Fauresmith | |
12205 | Coetzee family | Fauresmith | |
17896 | Coetzee family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
25152 | Coetzee family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
22593 | Combrinck family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
15730 | Combrink family | Fauresmith | |
25471 | Combrinksdam | Jacobsdal | Fauresmith |
22414 | Constantia | Fauresmith | |
12291 | Cotze family | Fauresmith | |
24702 | Cromdraai | Fauresmith | |
17696 | Croncamp family | Fauresmith | |
22596 | Cronje family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17638 | Cypherfontein | Fauresmith | |
24811 | Dahman family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
25584 | Damplaats | Fauresmith | |
17726 | Dampoort | Fauresmith | |
17072 | Damsvlei / Damvley | Fauresmith | |
22399 | Dasjespoort | Fauresmith | |
11637 | de Beer family | Fauresmith | |
17504 | de Beer family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22606 | de Beer family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17605 | de Bruin family | Fauresmith | |
19657 | De Dam / Dedam | Fauresmith | |
25061 | de Klerck family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22609 | de Klerk family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22613 | de Klerk family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
24923 | De Put | Fauresmith | |
25474 | de Villiers family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17751 | de Villiers family | Fauresmith | |
25137 | Deput | Fauresmith | |
17382 | Desselspruit | Fauresmith | |
27018 | Diepdraai | Fauresmith | |
9315 | Diepfontein | Fauresmith | |
24837 | Doorlandspoort / Dorlandspoort | Fauresmith | |
27769 | Doornkop | Fauresmith | |
27885 | Doornpan | Fauresmith | |
23036 | Doornplaat | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17150 | Doorslag | Fauresmith | |
17788 | Draaihoek | Fauresmith | |
27402 | Drie Kant / Driekant | Fauresmith | |
22396 | Drieangle | Fauresmith | |
9325 | Driebad | Fauresmith | |
24696 | Driebas | Fauresmith | |
24782 | Driekant | Fauresmith | |
16895 | Driekoppies | Fauresmith | |
25055 | Droefheidsbron | Fauresmith | |
17723 | Droogfontein | Fauresmith | |
14277 | du Plessis family | Fauresmith | |
22627 | du Plessis family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17154 | Du Put | Fauresmith | |
27173 | du Toit family | Fauresmith | |
17116 | du Toit family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22651 | Du Toits Put / Du Toitsput / Dutoitsput | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22460 | Duplessisdam | Fauresmith | |
13150 | Dupreezfontein | Fauresmith | |
24713 | Dutoits Rust | Fauresmith | |
12002 | Dutoitsrust | Fauresmith | |
14636 | Edenburg | Fauresmith | |
17712 | Eensaam / Eenzaam | Fauresmith | |
14935 | Elandsfontein | Fauresmith | |
27201 | Emmaus / Emmaos / Emos / Emous | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
13735 | Emosfontein | Fauresmith | |
22225 | Endkomst / Inkomst | Fauresmith | |
24883 | Engelandskuil | Fauresmith | |
12526 | Erasmus family | Fauresmith | |
17151 | Erasmus family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
27374 | Erasmus Hoop / Erasmus Hope / Rasmushoop | fauresmith | |
11725 | Erfdeel | Fauresmith | |
27583 | Esterhuizen family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17261 | Excelcior | Fauresmith | |
16841 | Faroesfontein | Fauresmith | |
496 | Fivaz family | Fauresmith | |
24842 | Florence | Fauresmith | |
22870 | Fonteintje | Fauresmith | |
25062 | Foord family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
12571 | Forster family | Fauresmith | |
22698 | Fourie family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17776 | Francke family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
24688 | Franspoort / Fransportdam | Fauresmith | |
24881 | Futoost | Fauresmith | |
22564 | Gamsapan | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17086 | Gamspan | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
27546 | Gannapan | Fauresmith | |
9353 | Geduld | Fauresmith | |
27775 | Geluksdam / Gelyksdam | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17212 | Gensem | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
22713 | Gertenbach family | Fauresmith | |
17612 | Gibbon family | Koffyfontein | Fauresmith |
17636 | Gladdedrift / Gladdrift | Fauresmith | |
17075 | Gladfontein | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
22292 | Goede Hoop / Goedehoop / Goedhoop | Fauresmith | |
22911 | Gooimansberg | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
12301 | Gouwsrand | Fauresmith | |
22264 | Grapfontein | Fauresmith | |
27745 | Graskuil | Fauresmith | |
9365 | Graspan | Fauresmith | |
22294 | Grasvlakte | Fauresmith | |
17773 | Green family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17694 | Greyling family | Fauresmith | |
19684 | Greylingslhan | Fauresmith | |
25337 | Griesel family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17172 | Griessel family | Fauresmith | |
17595 | Grobler family | Fauresmith | |
27545 | Groenklip / Groen Kloof / Groenkloof | Fauresmith | |
22458 | Groenvlei | Fauresmith | |
16478 | Groot Treurfontein | Fauresmith | |
17270 | Groot Vischgat | Fauresmith | |
24792 | Groot Vooruitzicht | Fauresmith | |
17148 | Groot Zuurspruit | Fauresmith | |
17673 | Groothartbeest Fontein | Fauresmith | |
22590 | Grootpoort | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
24772 | Grootrivierfontein | Fauresmith | |
22263 | Gruiskop | Fauresmith | |
9380 | Gruisrand | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
24796 | Gryskop | Fauresmith | |
17650 | Haarhoff family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
24785 | Haartebeesfontein / Hartebeestfontein | Fauresmith | |
24891 | Hamilton family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
24699 | Hannepoort | Fauresmith | |
17509 | Havenga family | Fauresmith | |
22526 | Havenga family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17077 | Hawkin family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22648 | Hebron | Fauresmith | |
22365 | Heen Kranskop | Fauresmith | |
12997 | Hendrickse family | Fauresmith | |
17057 | Hendrikse family | Fauresmith | |
17177 | Herholdt family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17721 | Heuningsheid | Fauresmith | |
491 | Hitzel family | Fauresmith | |
25367 | Honigberg | Fauresmith | |
13979 | Honingkop | Fauresmith | |
22426 | Honingkop / Horingkop | Fauresmith | |
19352 | Honingshoek / Koringsvloed | Fauresmith | |
25210 | Honingvliet | Fauresmith | |
25329 | Horak family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
22736 | Hugo family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
15824 | Human family | Fauresmith | |
25336 | Human family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17737 | Ignazkuil | Fauresmith | |
25073 | Inhoek | Fauresmith | |
27403 | Isaachope / Izaakshoop A | Fauresmith | |
25322 | Jaarfontein | Fauresmith | |
17103 | Jackhalsfontein | Fauresmith | |
17058 | Jacobs family | Fauresmith | |
22519 | Jacobs family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
9406 | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith | |
25382 | Jagtkraal / Slachtkraal | Fauresmith | |
13176 | Jansen family | Fauresmith | |
17716 | Johnson family | Fauresmith | |
22756 | Jooste family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22332 | Joostenburg | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
28094 | Joubert family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
27913 | Kaalhoek | Fauresmith | |
15109 | Kaalpoort | Fauresmith | |
17102 | Kachelhoffer family | Fauresmith | |
24660 | Kaffirdam / Kafirdam | Fauresmith | |
25502 | Kaffirfontein | Fauresmith | |
13978 | Kalbasfontein | Fauresmith | |
22334 | Kalbosdrift | Fauresmith | |
13013 | Kalkbult | Fauresmith | |
23015 | Kalkdam | Fauresmith | |
22282 | Kalkfontein | Fauresmith | |
17643 | Kalkput | Fauresmith | |
22764 | Kanonfontein | Fauresmith | |
27347 | Kantoorkop | Fauresmith | |
25481 | Kapokfontein | Fauresmith | |
17173 | Kareekloof | Fauresmith | |
9427 | Kareekraal / Koenkraal / Krykraal | Fauresmith | |
22416 | Kareepoort | Fauresmith | |
25343 | Kareepoortje | Fauresmith | |
16937 | Kareerand | Fauresmith | |
25346 | Kareeshoek | Fauresmith | |
25463 | Kariefontein | Fauresmith | |
15837 | Karienand | Fauresmith | |
22998 | Karreekloof | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
13258 | Kerr family | Fauresmith | |
17168 | Kerr family | Fauresmith | |
22412 | Kgorslaagte | Fauresmith | |
22524 | Klassen family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
25227 | Klein Dupreezfontein | Fauresmith | |
24698 | Klein Hartebeesfontein | Fauresmith | |
25123 | Klein Jagerfontein / Klein Jagersfontein | Fauresmith | |
25220 | Klein Philippolis | Fauresmith | |
9440 | Klein Treurfontein | Fauresmith | |
17249 | Klein Zuurspruit | Fauresmith | |
25424 | Kleinjagersfonten | Fauresmith | |
17441 | Kleinkeurfontein | Fauresmith | |
13325 | Kleinklipnek | Fauresmith | |
17085 | Kleinplaats | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
25479 | Kleinrooipoort | Fauresmith | |
22877 | Kleurjeskop | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
26068 | Kleurtjeskop | Fauresmith | |
25153 | Klipbanksfontein | Fauresmith | |
17125 | Klipfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
17265 | Klipfontein | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
22586 | Klipfontein | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
9447 | Kliplaagte | Fauresmith | |
22979 | Klipnek | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
27421 | Klipnek | Fauresmith | |
27172 | Klippan | Fauresmith | |
22413 | Knoffelfontein | Fauresmith | |
25194 | Kockskraal | Fauresmith | |
17654 | Koepaal | Fauresmith | |
12926 | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith | |
22223 | Koffiefontein | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
9456 | Koffyfontein | Fauresmith | |
13349 | Koker family | Fauresmith | |
17701 | Koks Kraal / Kokskraal | Fauresmith | |
22354 | Koksfontein | Fauresmith | |
27390 | Kolenspruit | Fauresmith | |
9461 | Koningsfontein | Fauresmith | |
12242 | Kopje Alleen | Fauresmith | |
27419 | Koppialeen | Fauresmith | |
9465 | Koppiesfontein | Fauresmith | |
22246 | Koppieskraal | Fauresmith | |
16809 | Koppiesrivier | Fauresmith | |
17439 | Koringsfontein | Fauresmith | |
17642 | Kortleegte | Fauresmith | |
25533 | Koshoek | Fauresmith | |
14932 | Kotze'sdrift | Fauresmith | |
13373 | Kotzee family | Fauresmith | |
13379 | Kotzeesvlei | Fauresmith | |
22417 | Kraaipoort | Fauresmith | |
22517 | Krantz family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
24840 | Kranzhoek | Fauresmith | |
16933 | Kriekrand | Fauresmith | |
22355 | Kromdien | Fauresmith | |
24676 | Kromdraai | Fauresmith | |
22402 | Kronhoek | Fauresmith | |
13468 | Kruger family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
25228 | Kruger family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22428 | Kruidfontein | Fauresmith | |
15113 | Kuilpoort | Fauresmith | |
19066 | Laberspoort | Fauresmith | |
22482 | Landdam | Fauresmith | |
24642 | Langrand | Fauresmith | |
24794 | Langzeekoegat | Fauresmith | |
17900 | Langziekregat / Langzeekoegat | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17466 | Lasfontein / Lastfontein | Fauresmith | |
17029 | Lee family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
27700 | Leeuwberg / Leuwberg | Fauresmith | |
22673 | Leeuwfontein | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22254 | Leeuwkop | Fauresmith | |
17039 | Leeuwkraal | Fauresmith | |
24711 | Leeuwriver / Leeuwrivier | Fauresmith | |
17666 | Leeuwskraal | Fauresmith | |
24777 | Leeuwskuil | Fauresmith | |
17632 | Lehman family | Fauresmith | |
22726 | Lemoendam | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
16308 | Lemoenfontein | Fauresmith | |
17508 | Lemoenkloof | Fauresmith | |
25208 | Leopardspoort | Fauresmith | |
26320 | Lichbirt family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22481 | Liebenberg | Fauresmith | |
27184 | Liebenberg family | Fauresmith | |
9505 | Liebenbergspan | Fauresmith | |
22230 | Ligpan | Fauresmith | |
27170 | Linde family | Fauresmith | |
24915 | Lockshoek | Fauresmith | |
22801 | Loggernberg family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22471 | Lombaardsdam | Fauresmith | |
13583 | Lorentz family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
19574 | Loretz family | Fauresmith | |
17639 | Loskop | Fauresmith | |
22808 | Louart | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17681 | Louw family | Fauresmith | |
22802 | Louw family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
13610 | Louwberg | Fauresmith | |
17157 | Lubbe family | Fauresmith | |
22410 | Lubbes Hoop / Lubbes Loop / Lubbeshoop | Fauresmith | |
13195 | Luckhoff | Fauresmith | |
17493 | Luckhoff family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22655 | Ludicksdam / Ludiksdam | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22568 | Luipaardsfontein | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22572 | Luipaardskop | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
27434 | Luipaardspoort / Laberspoort | Fauresmith | |
17142 | Luispruit | Fauresmith | |
25476 | Lusthoff | Fauresmith | |
25211 | Maagzeer | Fauresmith | |
23023 | Maagzeer | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
11797 | Magersfontein | Fauresmith | |
25182 | Majesfontein | Fauresmith | |
17129 | Maraisdale | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
26319 | Martinus family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17133 | Matjesfontein | Fauresmith | |
17327 | Maunewietta family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17026 | McCormick family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17615 | Meintjes family | Fauresmith | |
19494 | Meintjes family | Fauresmith | |
25544 | Metz | Fauresmith | |
17096 | Meyer family | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
11817 | Meyersfontein | Fauresmith | |
22566 | Meyersfontein | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
22278 | Middel Erf / Middelerf | Fauresmith | |
9521 | Middelbron | Fauresmith | |
22279 | Middeldam | Fauresmith | |
17067 | Middelfontein | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
17722 | Middelkraal | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17753 | Middelpunt | Fauresmith | |
9526 | Middelwater | Fauresmith | |
17889 | Middelwater | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17675 | Midelfontein | Fauresmith | |
25057 | Miles family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17254 | Milne family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22235 | Mimosa | Fauresmith | |
25019 | Minnaar family | Fauresmith | |
22523 | Minnaar family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
25060 | Modderfontein | Fauresmith | |
13626 | Modderrivier | Fauresmith | |
13833 | Moller family | Fauresmith | |
17676 | Mooiplaats | Fauresmith | |
22833 | Moorgenweg | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
25293 | Morgenzon | Fauresmith | |
17611 | Mosenger family | Fauresmith | |
17028 | Murray family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17505 | Naude family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
14600 | Nelsdam | Fauresmith | |
20098 | Nelspoort | Fauresmith | |
17135 | Niekerk family | Fauresmith | |
22320 | Niekerksdam | Fauresmith | |
24667 | Nietgedacht / Nooitgedacht | Fauresmith | |
17905 | Nieuhaber family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17718 | Nieuwejaars Kraal / Nieuwejaarskraal / Nieuwjaarskraal x | Fauresmith | |
16810 | Nieuwjaarfontein | Fauresmith | |
17174 | Noodhulp | Fauresmith | |
12793 | Noodshulpfontein | Fauresmith | |
25195 | Nooitgedacht | Fauresmith | |
14253 | Nooitgezien | Fauresmith | |
22846 | Nortje family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17196 | Oberholser family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
14024 | Oberholzer family | Fauresmith | |
24812 | Olivenfontein | Fauresmith | |
16936 | Olivenhoek | Fauresmith | |
24720 | Olivenkloof | Fauresmith | |
27043 | Olivienberg | Fauresmith | |
9553 | Ongegund | Fauresmith | |
27618 | Ongelukkop | Fauresmith | |
24806 | Ongelukskop | Fauresmith | |
25229 | Onverwacht | Fauresmith | |
22525 | Oosthuizen family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17040 | Orlandini family | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
25120 | Oudewerf | Fauresmith | |
9562 | Paardekopsdam | Fauresmith | |
9563 | Paardekraal | Fauresmith | |
25052 | Paljasfontein | Fauresmith | |
17656 | Palmietfontein | Fauresmith | |
17671 | Pamdekopsdam | Fauresmith | |
9565 | Pandam | Fauresmith | |
9566 | Panfontein | Fauresmith | |
17431 | Paradise | Fauresmith | |
25484 | Paradys | Fauresmith | |
25345 | Parys | Fauresmith | |
24697 | Patrysfontein | Fauresmith | |
22249 | Petersburg | Fauresmith | |
17435 | Petros | Fauresmith | |
12303 | Petrusberg | Fauresmith | |
19348 | Petrusdam | Fauresmith | |
17837 | Philps family | Fauresmith | |
17812 | Pienaar family | Fauresmith | |
11991 | Pieterspan / Driekopspan | Fauresmith | |
24663 | Plaatjesdam | Fauresmith | |
22367 | Platberg | Fauresmith | |
25190 | Plessisdam | Fauresmith | |
12138 | Pompey | Fauresmith | |
14514 | Pompie | Fauresmith | |
17191 | Poortje / Poortjie | Fauresmith | |
25183 | Poortjesdam | Fauresmith | |
22889 | Potgieter family | Fauresmith | |
25169 | Praalhoek | Fauresmith | |
14358 | Pretorius family | Fauresmith | |
22522 | Pretorius family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
24775 | Pretorius family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
27605 | Pretorius family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22285 | Pretorius Kop | Fauresmith | |
22575 | Pretoriuskop | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
9588 | Prospect | Fauresmith | |
12789 | Putoost | Fauresmith | |
24885 | Putoost Post | Fauresmith | |
17692 | Pylkop | Fauresmith | |
17024 | Quinlan family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17743 | Ras family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17189 | Ratz family | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
27448 | Reddersfontein | Fauresmith | |
17587 | Reineke family | Fauresmith | |
22255 | Reitzfontein | Fauresmith | |
17030 | Rietfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
22557 | Rietfontein | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
24914 | Rietfontein | Fauresmith | |
22453 | Rietpan / Reitpan | Fauresmith | |
22302 | Rietperdedam / Rietputsdam | Fauresmith | |
22398 | Rietput | Fauresmith | |
16957 | Rietvlei | Fauresmith | |
25294 | Risenplaats | Fauresmith | |
22385 | Rondedraai | Fauresmith | |
17068 | Rondefontein | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22589 | Rondefontein | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22594 | Rondefontein | Fauresmith | |
22377 | Rondepan | Fauresmith | |
22822 | Rondepan West | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17652 | Roodedam / Rooidam | Fauresmith | |
22425 | Roodekop | Fauresmith | |
22817 | Roodepan | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
24937 | Roodepoort | Fauresmith | |
22997 | Roodepoortje | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17634 | Roodewal | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
25532 | Rooikop | Fauresmith | |
25383 | Rooipal | Fauresmith | |
14170 | Rooipan | Fauresmith | |
22652 | Rooipan | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22366 | Rooiplaat / Rooiplaats | Fauresmith | |
22866 | Rooipoort | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17229 | Rooirandjas | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
17897 | Roux family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
22919 | Roux family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22337 | Ruigtepoort | Fauresmith | |
22265 | Ruigtevlei | Fauresmith | |
22634 | Ruigtevlei / Rechtervlei | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17677 | Rust en Vrede | Fauresmith | |
22650 | Rustfontein | Fauresmith | |
23032 | Rustpan | Fauresmith | |
24664 | Rustplaats | Fauresmith | |
17609 | Sanders family | Fauresmith | Fauresmith |
22656 | Saulsplaat | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
9629 | Schansen | Fauresmith | |
17625 | Schause | Fauresmith | |
16963 | Scheepers family | Fauresmith | |
17287 | Schenck family | Fauresmith | |
27175 | Schenk family | Fauresmith | |
16976 | Schickerling family | Fauresmith | |
22420 | Schietmakaar / Schietmohow / Skitemaahar | Fauresmith | |
22335 | Schildpadkuil / Schilpadkuil | Fauresmith | |
509 | Schoeman family | Fauresmith | |
17899 | Schoeman family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
22951 | Schoeman family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
24648 | Schoongezicht | Fauresmith | |
9635 | Schraalfontein | Fauresmith | |
9636 | Schuinshoek | Fauresmith | |
14651 | Schuinskloof | Fauresmith | |
24597 | Schuinskop | Fauresmith | |
27389 | Schuueskop | Fauresmith | |
22252 | Secretaris Kop | Fauresmith | |
25223 | Sequesfontein | Fauresmith | |
17176 | Sererhuil / Serskuil | Fauresmith | |
22383 | Singlesfontein | Fauresmith | |
25201 | Siquasfontein | Fauresmith | |
18958 | Skitmakaar | Fauresmith | |
14640 | Slabbert family | Fauresmith | |
17811 | Slachtkraal / Slagtkraal | Fauresmith | |
17482 | Slangfontein | Fauresmith | |
17187 | Sleutelspoort | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22353 | Slyfontein | Fauresmith | |
17200 | Smuts family | Fauresmith | |
17695 | Snyman family | Fauresmith | |
22236 | Somershoek | Fauresmith | |
24896 | Sortes (mine) | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
25416 | Spildam | Fauresmith | |
22475 | Spioenkop | Fauresmith | |
17630 | Spitskop | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
22834 | Spitzkop | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
25016 | Spitzkop | Fauresmith | |
22423 | Spreeuwfontein / Spreeuwsfontein | Fauresmith | |
22449 | Springbokpan | Fauresmith | |
22697 | Springbokpan | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17617 | Springfontein | Fauresmith | |
17627 | Spruyt family | Fauresmith | |
19522 | Spruyt family | Fauresmith | |
22945 | Standers family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17390 | Standhouder's Kraal / Standhouderskraal | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22944 | Steenekamp family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
25262 | Sterkfontein | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17159 | Stevens family | Fauresmith | |
17903 | Steyn family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
22960 | Steytler family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
23022 | Stinkfontein | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
14186 | Stinkhoutboom | Fauresmith | |
17141 | Stinkhoutfontein / Stinkhoutsfontein | Fauresmith | |
17139 | Straussfontein | Fauresmith | |
22234 | Strijddam | Fauresmith | |
22925 | Swanepoel family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
25151 | Swanepoel family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
12159 | Swartkop | Fauresmith | |
27360 | Swartlaagte | Fauresmith | |
12050 | Swartlandsdam | Fauresmith | |
27041 | Swerwersdam | Fauresmith | |
22386 | Taaiboschlaagte | Fauresmith | |
9671 | Tafelkop | Fauresmith | |
22947 | Tafelkop | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
23033 | Tafelkop | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17166 | Tapfontein | Fauresmith | |
22220 | Telegraaffontein | Fauresmith | |
17306 | Theron family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22970 | Theron family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
24833 | Theron family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17648 | Tiekespan / Titiespan | Fauresmith | |
17241 | Tocherkraai | Fauresmith | |
25116 | Toeloop | Fauresmith | |
24872 | Tonderspoort | Fauresmith | |
12798 | Toornfontein | Fauresmith | |
17118 | Toornfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
9684 | Touwfontein | Fauresmith | |
15045 | Transvalie | Fauresmith | |
17145 | Treurfontein | Fauresmith | |
17853 | Tromp family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
15027 | Turffontein | Fauresmith | |
27595 | Tweefontein | Fauresmith | |
22473 | Twijfelhoek | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
9692 | Twyfelhoek | Fauresmith | |
22283 | Uitdraai | Fauresmith | |
17720 | Uitflucht | Fauresmith | |
28045 | Uithoek | Fauresmith | |
27036 | Uitkijk / Uitkyk | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22468 | Uitkomst | Fauresmith | |
17813 | Uitvlugt | Fauresmith | |
22964 | Uitzicht | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17635 | Uitzigt | Fauresmith | |
25230 | Vaalbank Port | Fauresmith | |
240 | Vaalbankfontein | Fauresmith | |
22301 | Vaalhoek | Fauresmith | |
17589 | Vaalkraal | Fauresmith | |
17733 | Vaalkrans | Fauresmith | |
9705 | Vaalpan | Fauresmith | |
22629 | Vaalpan | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22743 | Vaalpan | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22430 | Valschfontein | Fauresmith | |
25203 | van Blerck family | Koffyfontein | Fauresmith |
22528 | van Blerk family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
25027 | van de Walt family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
22980 | van den Berg family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
23002 | van der Colf family | Philippolis | Fauresmith |
25149 | van der Linde family | Trompsberg | Fauresmith |
13758 | van der Merwe family | Fauresmith | |
17647 | van der Post family | Fauresmith | |
22530 | van der Spuy family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
22982 | van der Venter family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22999 | van der Venter family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
17561 | van der Walt family | Fauresmith | |
22520 | van Ghent family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
24932 | van Heerden family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17623 | Van Merwe family | Fauresmith | |
17614 | van Niekerk family | Fauresmith | |
13960 | van Niekerk family | Smithfield | Fauresmith |
13961 | van Niekerk family | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
25339 | van Niekerk family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
23001 | van Olst family | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
14560 | van Schalkwijk family | Fauresmith | |
17197 | van Schalkwyk family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
25328 | van Schalkwyk family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
17233 | van Vreden family | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
22267 | Van Vurensdam / Van Vuurensdam | Fauresmith | |
17507 | van Vuuren family | Fauresmith | |
9710 | Van Wyksfontein | Fauresmith | |
17234 | van Zijl family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
17472 | van Zittart family | Fauresmith | |
24822 | van Zyl family | Fauresmith | |
22521 | van Zyl family | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
19032 | VanderMerwesdam / Van der Merwes Dam / van der Merwesdam | Fauresmith | |
22894 | Vanwyksvlei ( Vanwyksfontein) | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22821 | Varkfontein | Fauresmith | |
24882 | Vendutiekop | Fauresmith | |
15049 | Venter family | Fauresmith | |
22992 | Venter family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
27433 | Ventersdam | Fauresmith | |
24608 | Venterskuil | Fauresmith | |
22405 | Venterspoort | Fauresmith | |
23016 | Vergenoeg / Vergenoegd | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17073 | Vermeulen family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
24886 | Vermeulen family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
17898 | Viljoen family | Trompsburg | Fauresmith |
22424 | Vingerkraal | Fauresmith | |
14217 | Vischgat | Fauresmith | |
22380 | Visserdrift / Vissersdrift | Fauresmith | |
14933 | Vissershoek | Fauresmith | |
22469 | Vlakdam | Fauresmith | |
25082 | Vlakfontein | Fauresmith | |
19714 | Vlaklaagte / Vlakleegte | Fauresmith | |
17762 | Vlakplaats | Fauresmith | |
27418 | Voeg Post / Voegpost / Voogpost | Fauresmith | |
17628 | Vogelfontein | Fauresmith | |
17012 | Voigt family | Fauresmith | |
15043 | Voogdpoort | Fauresmith | |
17214 | Vorster family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
25112 | Vorster family | Petrusberg | Fauresmith |
28090 | Vorsterdam / Vorstersdam | Fauresmith | |
25086 | Vospost | Fauresmith | |
14633 | Vosterskop | Fauresmith | |
17056 | Vosterskop | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
27538 | Waagpan / Wachtpan | Fauresmith | |
5218 | Wachteenbeetje | Fauresmith | |
13369 | Wachteenbietjepoort | Fauresmith | |
25206 | Wagonmakersdrift | Fauresmith | |
24926 | Waterval | Fauresmith | |
23075 | Wedegevonden | Koffiefontein | Fauresmith |
27420 | Welcome | Fauresmith | |
27224 | Welgedacht | Fauresmith | |
22571 | Welgedraai | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17016 | Welgelegen | Fauresmith | |
17213 | Welgeronden | Fauresmith | |
24736 | Welgeval | Fauresmith | |
25103 | Welgevond | Fauresmith | |
27361 | Welkom | Fauresmith | |
24942 | Weltefrede / Weltevrede | Fauresmith | |
17668 | Weltevreden | Fauresmith | |
22457 | Weltevredenheid | Fauresmith | |
24639 | Welverdiend | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
30474 | Welzicht | Fauresmith | |
17386 | West Arabia / Woest Arabia / Woest Arabie | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
17243 | Wiekerfontein | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
27112 | Wiessline family | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
9758 | Wildealspoort | Fauresmith | |
22464 | Wildraai | Fauresmith | |
22295 | Wildralspoort | Fauresmith | |
9761 | Wilgedraai | Fauresmith | |
22379 | Winkelhaak | Fauresmith | |
13746 | Winkelhoek | Fauresmith | |
25378 | Wintershoek | Fauresmith | |
25089 | Witdam | Fauresmith | |
17131 | Witkrantz | Edenburg | Fauresmith |
17124 | Wolmarans family | Fauresmith | |
20437 | Wolmarans family | Jagersfontein | Fauresmith |
22393 | Wolvekloof | Fauresmith | |
22660 | Wolvekop | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
22775 | Wolvekop | Luckhoff | Fauresmith |
22222 | Wolvekraal / Wolwekraal | Fauresmith | |
22429 | Wolveplaat | Fauresmith | |
27622 | Wolverand / Wolmarand | Fauresmith | |
15028 | Wonderfontein | Fauresmith | |
22480 | Zanddam | Fauresmith | |
9784 | Zeekoefontein / Zookoefontein | Fauresmith | |
27346 | Zendelingefontein | Fauresmith | |
9786 | Zendelingsfontein | Fauresmith | |
22603 | Zevensterspan | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
11761 | Zomershoek | Fauresmith | |
25356 | Zondergang | Fauresmith | |
24950 | Zonderzavel | Fauresmith | |
9787 | Zonderzorg | Fauresmith | |
25421 | Zorgfliet / Zorgslied / Zorgvleit / Zorgvliedt / Zorgvliet x | Fauresmith | |
11866 | Zoutkoppies | Fauresmith | |
25104 | Zuurfontein | Fauresmith | |
17816 | Zuurspruit | Fauresmith | |
25097 | Zwaaihoek | Fauresmith | |
26238 | Zwaartlaagte | Fauresmith | |
15927 | Zwaga | Fauresmith | |
24760 | Zwardsdam | Fauresmith | |
9797 | Zwartfontein | Fauresmith | |
22897 | Zwartkoppies | Petrusburg | Fauresmith |
9799 | Zwartlaagte | Fauresmith | |
22381 | Zwartlandsdam / Zwartrandsdam | Fauresmith | |
24625 | Zwartranddam | Fauresmith |
Acknowledgments: The project was funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is not responsible for the contents of the database. The help of the following research assistants is gratefully acknowledged: Ryna Boshoff, Murray Gorman, Janie Grobler, Marelize Grobler, Luke Humby, Clare O’Reilly Jacomina Roose, Elsa Strydom, Mary van Blerk. Thanks also go to Peter Dennis for the design of the original database and to Dr Iain Smith, co-grantholder. |