Personal Details |
Name: | Mrs Gert Petrus Bezuidenhout |
Born in camp? |
No |
Died in camp? |
No |
Gender: | female |
Race: | white |
Marital status: | married |
Nationality: | Transvaal |
Occupation: | farmer |
Registration as head of family: | Yes |
Notes: | Under this person in Balmoral Camp Register there is a name - Cristol - but it does not seem like another person so maybe it could be another name for this person. |
Unique ID: | 62921 |
Camp History |
Name: | Middelburg RC |
Age departure: | 62 |
Date departure: | 03/08/1901 |
Reason departure: | transferred |
Destination: | Balmoral RC |
Name: | Balmoral RC |
Age arrival: | 62 |
Date arrival: | 09/12/1901 |
Date arrival: | transferred from 197 |
Date departure: | 18/08/1902 |
Date departure: | 12/9/1902; transferred to 853 |
Reason departure: | returned home |
Destination: | Klipfontein |
Tent number: | 197, 853 |
Notes: | There is another name below in DBC 47, illegible but looks like Chris |
Farm History |
Name: | Klipfontein |
District: | Middelburg |
Notes: | share of farm |
Status of Husband |
Type: | on commando |
Relationships |
Mrs Gert Petrus Bezuidenhout |
is the mother of Mr Gerhardus Petrus Bezuidenhout (Gert Petrus) |
is the mother-in-law of Mrs Gerhardus Petrus Bezuidenhout (Mrs Gert Petrus) |
Sources |
Title: | DBC 46 Balmoral CR |
Type: | Index camp register |
Location: | National Archives, Pretoria |
Reference No.: | DBC 46 |
Notes: | B 06 |
Title: | DBC 50 Balmoral CR |
Type: | Camp register |
Location: | National Archives, Pretoria |
Reference No.: | DBC 50 |
Notes: | B 01 |
Title: | DBC 47 Balmoral CR |
Type: | Camp register |
Location: | National Archives, Pretoria |
Reference No.: | DBC 47 |
Notes: | 0197, 0853 |
Title: | DBC 49 Balmoral CR |
Type: | Camp register |
Location: | National Archives, Pretoria |
Reference No.: | DBC 49 |
Notes: | B 01 |