Personal Details |
Name: | Dr Fred S Ralston |
Type: | Staff |
Born in camp? |
No |
Died in camp? |
No |
Gender: | male |
Race: | white |
Nationality: | British |
Occupation: | doctor |
Camp occupation: | doctor |
Notes: | 4/11/1901: CSRC to SRC, Bloemfontein: As Dr Ralston has given trouble at Winburg, Bloemfontein and Springfontein RCs, I propose dismissing him. HH wants something in writing from each camp saying that he is an agitator and causes trouble. Asks for this.
4/11/1901: Reply from Viner Johnson: During the time Dr Ralston was in Bloemfontein, I had several conversations with him. He did not impress me favourably. I consider that he is too impressionable and to imaginative to be reliable. From his own repeated statements to me he appears to take delight in initiating trouble in whatever sphere of work he may be in. His idea of happiness, judging from his own words, as 'making it hot' for some one with whom he happens to be associated. I should strenuously oppose his appointment to any post, where I had to maintain order.
5/11/1901: Reply from Dr Pern: Dr Ralston dressed more like a third-rate cowboy than a doctor, and apparently seldom brushed his hair; generally galloped furiously about the camp on a pony; always talking about his own experiencs, most of which originated and ended in his fertile imagination. Was always planning (to use his own expression) to get some one out of it, and that seemed to be his main object in life. The amount of work he said he used to get through in this camp, was quite impossible.
15/12/1901: Sinclair, SRC Springfontein to CSRC: Since Dr Ralston's return he has given no trouble and during my term of office he has not been on the sick list, attending to his duties daily. Unfortunately my term of office has been too short to pass an opinion on him but form what I can gather, he is not popular though I've had no complaints regarding him. He certainly is not in my favour.
20/3/1902: Refugee to CSRC: Telegram: Dr F Ralston applies for employment was not he once in your employ can you recommend him as an asst MO.
Reply: Pencil note: Dr F Ralston was brought out from England for this colony. He broke his contract resigning. |
Unique ID: | 1837 |
Camp History |
Name: | Springfontein RC |
Notes: | 28/10/1901: Superintendent, Springfontein to CSRC: R suffering from acute neuralgia, feared abscess of antrum; want to go to his brother PMO Heidelberg in case operation is necessary.
30/10/1901: Telegram, Superintendent, Springfontein to CSRC: Dr Ralston leaves by tonight's mail still sick can you meet.
3/1/1901: CSRC to PMO, South African Constabulary, Pretoria: warning him that Ralston left without giving notice. Came out from England on contract. DA does not intend to take proceedings against him.
20/10/1901: Dunhill, Springfontein to Viner Johnson: Thanks him for his note re Ralston. He is now complaining of neuralgia and unfit for duty. If he does not improve quickly he will be sent home sick. |
Name: | Harrismith RC |
Date departure: | 1/1/1902 |
Sources |
Title: | SRC 34 |
Type: | Correspondence: appointments |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 34 |
Dates: | Oct-Dec 1901 |
Notes: | A263, 4/11/1901, CSRC to Superintendents and related correspondence |
Title: | SRC 35 |
Type: | Correspondence: appointments |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 35 |
Dates: | Dec 1901-Jan 1902 |
Notes: | A530, 1/1/1902: Telegram, Magte to Secy Administration, Bloemfontein |
Title: | SRC 39 |
Type: | Correspondence: appointments |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 39 |
Dates: | Mar-Apr 1902 |
Notes: | A1025, 20/3/1902: Refugee to CSRC and reply |
Title: | SRC 15 |
Type: | Correspondence |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 15 |
Dates: | Oct-Nov 1901 |
Notes: | RC5870, 28/10/1901, Superintendent, Springfontein to CSRC |
Title: | SRC 18 |
Type: | Correspondence |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 18 |
Dates: | Jan 1902 |
Notes: | RC7039, 3/1/1901: CSRC to PMO, South African Constabulary, Pretoria |
Title: | SRC 15 |
Type: | Correspondence |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 15 |
Dates: | Oct-Nov 1901 |
Notes: | RC5870, 28/10/1901, Superintendent, Springfontein to CSRC |
Title: | CO 26A Correspondence |
Type: | Secretary to the ORC Administration |
Location: | Free State Archives Repository |
Reference No.: | 26A |
Notes: | 2370/01: List of doctors sailing from England for service in RCs |