Personal Details |
Name: | Nurse Scannell |
Type: | Staff |
Born in camp? |
No |
Died in camp? |
No |
Gender: | female |
Race: | white |
Occupation: | nurse |
Unique ID: | 1830 |
Camp History |
Name: | Kimberley RC |
Date departure: | 21/10/1901 |
Date departure: | 24/10/1901 |
Notes: | 21/10/1901, Dr Woodward to Superintendent: In consequence of information received from Principal Nursing Sister, went between 5 & 6 pm, to Nurse Scannell's tent; found her drunk and incapable of duty. Yesterday, strictly against roders, she left the hospital at 9 pm, returning about 10.15 pm. Suspended.
24/10/1901, Superintendent to CSRC: dismissed. |
Sources |
Title: | SRC 15 |
Type: | Correspondence |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 15 |
Dates: | Oct-Nov 1901 |
Notes: | RC5799, 24/10/1901, Superintendent, Kimberley to CSRC and related correspondence |