Personal Details |
Name: | Dr Frank Parr Monckton |
Type: | Staff |
Born in camp? |
No |
Died in camp? |
No |
Gender: | male |
Race: | white |
Occupation: | doctor |
Notes: | Medical Directory, 1900, p.1811: Overseas: Harding Natal; LRCP LRCS Edin, LFPS Glasg 1897; (Bristol & Edin); late Asst MO Roxburgh Dist Asyl Melrose.
Medical Directory, 1903, p.1558: Overseas: DS Pilgrim's Rest Transvaal; Asst MO Addington Hospital Durban; Act Chief MO Zululand; MO Vredefort RC; MO in charge Wentworth Burgher Camp Natal. |
Unique ID: | 1825 |
Camp History |
Name: | Vredefort Road RC |
Date appointed (as staff): | 5/10/1901 |
Notes: | 1/2/1902: From SRC: Forwarding resignation of Dr Monckton; going to take up government appointment in Natal;
4/2/1902: Reply: He must give 1 month's notice; will not be allowed to leave before 1/3/1902;
25/2/1902: From SRC: Forwarding letter from Dr Monckton saying he will do no duty after 24/2/1902 when his 1 month's notice expired; holds government responsible for time he was detained beyond;
1/3/1902: From SRC: Dr Monckton left today
3/3/1902: To Governor, Natal from DA: Dr Monckton, who was employed by ?, struck work because I refused to let him go till relieved, & has left without leave for Natal; trusts you will not employ him;
4/3/1902: Reply: Have informed him cannot employ him until he has been properly discharged.
Nov 1901: Long correspondence relating to Monckton's application for a permit to Johannesburg in order to be interviewed for a job as MO to a mining group in the Transvaal. Strong objections from CSRC:
13/11/1901: CSRC to Secretary for Permits: I have already written to my Superintendent at Vredefort Rd instructing him to inform Dr Monckton that he will not be allowed to proceed to Johannesburg on leave as he has only done a few days' work. Has also written to found out who the authorities are who have offered Monckton employment without consulting me. It is quite impossible to control camps if other officials are trying to take mine away without either my knowledge or sanction. |
Sources |
Title: | SRC 34 |
Type: | Correspondence: appointments |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 34 |
Dates: | Oct-Dec 1901 |
Notes: | 1/11/1901: Permit Secy to CSRC and related correspondence |
Title: | SRC 15 |
Type: | Correspondence |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 15 |
Dates: | Oct-Nov 1901 |
Notes: | RC5742, telegram, Superintendent, Springfontein to CSRC |
Title: | SRC 58 |
Type: | Appointments register |
Location: | VAB |
Reference No.: | 58 |
Dates: | Jan-May 1902 |
Notes: | File 743, 1/2/1902 and later correspondence, Index p.34 |