BCCDBritish Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Farm Details
Persons on Farm
    - Click the Name for full details

  1. Mrs Adriana Beatrix Lotter Unique ID: 87133
  2. baby Lotter (child) Unique ID: 60785
  3. Mrs Hester Catharina Lotter (Mrs Jacob Lewis Poklenberg) Unique ID: 60786
  4. Miss Hester Catherina Lotter Unique ID: 60784
  5. Miss Hester Catherina Lotter (Hester Catharina) Unique ID: 60787
  6. Master Jacob Lewis Poklenberg Lotter (Jacob C P) Unique ID: 60788
  7. Master Jacob Louis Backlenburg Lotter Unique ID: 87134
  8. Miss Jacoba Lewis Pocklenberg Lotter Unique ID: 13275
  9. Miss Jacoba Lewis Poklenberg Lotter Unique ID: 60783
  10. Miss Maria C Lotter Unique ID: 13270
  11. Miss Maria Catherina Lotter Unique ID: 60782
  12. Mrs Nikolaas Fillipus Lotter Unique ID: 60781
  13. Master Stefanus C Lotter Unique ID: 13272
  14. Miss Hester Catherina Smit (Stephanus Christian) Unique ID: 62099
  15. Miss Hester Catherina Smit Unique ID: 62097
  16. Master Jacob Lewis Poklenberg Smit Unique ID: 62098
  17. Mrs Stephanus Christian Smit Unique ID: 62096
  18. Miss Hester Catharina Smith Unique ID: 88938
  19. Master Jacob Lodwyk Cocklenburg Smith Unique ID: 88936
  20. Mrs Magretha Albertha Smith Unique ID: 88935
  21. Mr Stefanus Christiaan Smith Unique ID: 88934
  22. Master Stefanus Christiaan Smith Unique ID: 88937
  23. Mr Stephanus Christian Smith Unique ID: 62234
  24. Miss Hester Catharina van den Heever Unique ID: 60294
  25. Mrs Martha Louisa van den Heever (Mrs Willem Hendrik Jacobus) Unique ID: 60292
  26. Master Willem Hendrik Jacobus van den Heever (Willem Hendrik) Unique ID: 60293

Acknowledgments: The project was funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is not responsible for the contents of the database. The help of the following research assistants is gratefully acknowledged: Ryna Boshoff, Murray Gorman, Janie Grobler, Marelize Grobler, Luke Humby, Clare O’Reilly Jacomina Roose, Elsa Strydom, Mary van Blerk. Thanks also go to Peter Dennis for the design of the original database and to Dr Iain Smith, co-grantholder.