BCCDBritish Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Persons who died in Harrismith RC (120 )

(Surname / Surname,Names)
- Click the Name for full details

51542MissPrinsloo, Anna M
51543MasterPrinsloo, Schalk WSchalk Willem
30319MrRall, Adriaan Matthys Johannes
30339MasterRautenbach, George FrederickGeorge Frederik
31251MasterSmartrijk, Martines
31309MissSmit, Engela SusannaEngela Susanna
51650MasterSpussendorff, Andrew
51649MasterSpussendorff, Lewis
31855MsStrydom, Catherina Elizabeth
51646MissSwanepoel, Georgina WhileminaGeyniea Whelemina
31923MissSwanepoel, Gezina Wilhelmina
32024MissSwart, Christina JohannaSwarts
51547MissSwart, Gertruide FGertruda J; Gertruida Francina Alida
32023MsSwart, Johanna Catharina
32182MrTerblanche, Jan Ernst
32238MissThys, Aletta Theunissen Johanna
22631Mastervan den Berg, Martinus Smartryk
33365Mastervan der Walt, Josias Johannes
33460Mastervan der Watt, Abraham Herman
33469Missvan der Watt, Gertruida Jacomina
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Acknowledgments: The project was funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is not responsible for the contents of the database. The help of the following research assistants is gratefully acknowledged: Ryna Boshoff, Murray Gorman, Janie Grobler, Marelize Grobler, Luke Humby, Clare O’Reilly Jacomina Roose, Elsa Strydom, Mary van Blerk. Thanks also go to Peter Dennis for the design of the original database and to Dr Iain Smith, co-grantholder.