Legislation Database


Act No 25
Year 1998
Title Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Act
Source Government gazette
Source Volume 397
Source No 19018
Country South Africa
Juridiction South Africa
Descriptors Wine industry ; Liquor industry
Descriptors Liquor industry;Wine industry
Commencement Date Awaiting proclamation date
Amendments to Wine and Spirit Control Act 47 of 1970
Repeals Wine and Spirit Control Amendment Act 70 of 1972, 74 of 1974, 26 of 1975, 62 of 1975, 69 of 1976, 47 of 1978, 87 of 1980, 44 of 1983, 63 of 1984, 36 of 1988, 87 of 1990 ; Transfer of Powers and Duties of the State President Act 97 of 1986. Items in Sch. 1 & 2 with reference to Act 47 of 1970 ; Liquor Products Act 60 of 1989. Item in Sch. with reference to Act 47 of 1970 ; General Law Amendment Act 49 of 1996. Item in Sch. with reference to Act 47 of 1970