Legislation Database

Natal Acts

378 Records
Act Title
32 of 1827 Ordinance for creating Justices of Peace within this Colony
6 ; 32 of 1827 Ordinance for creating Justices of the Peace within the District of Natal ; Ordinance for creating Justices of the Peace in this Colony
4 ; 62 of 1829 Ordinance for fixing the Age of Majority within the District of Natal ; Ordinance for declaring the Age of Twenty-one Years to be the Legal Age of Majority in this Colony
6 of 1843 Ordinance for Regulating the due Collection, Administration, and Distribution of Insolvent Estates within this Colony
3 of 1844 Ordinance for amending the Law relating to the Rights of Execution Creditors
10 of 1845 Ordinance for punishing the Concealment of the Birth of Children
12 of 1845 Ordinance for establishing the Roman-Dutch Law in and for the District of Natal
14 of 1845 Ordinance for erecting a District Court in and for the District of Natal [no text]
17 of 1845 Ordinance for determining the qualification of Jurors in the District of Natal [no text]
18 of 1845 Ordinance for Regulating the Manner of proceeding in Criminal Cases in the District of Natal