Legislation Database


Act No 21
Year 1998
Title Land Bank Amendment Act
Source Government gazette
Source Volume 396
Source No 18985
Country South Africa
Juridiction South Africa
Descriptors Land banks
Descriptors Land banks
Commencement Date Date of publication?
Amendments to Agricultural Credit Act 28 of 1966 ; Agricultural Credit Amendment Act 45 of 1968, 66 of 1970, 10 of 1971, 15 of 1972, 67 of 1979, 27 of 1980, 73 of 1981, 42 of 1983 ; General Law Amendment Act 62 of 1973 ; Second Agricultural Credit Amendment Act 67 of 1982 ; Agricultural Credit Amendment Act (House of Assembly) 51 of 1987
Repeals Agricultural Credit Amendment Act (House of Assembly) 53 of 1993