Legislation Database

Natal Acts

378 Records
Act Title
3 of 1858 Law to amend the Law relating to Quarantine.
4 of 1858 Law for apportioning Quitrents upon the Subdivision of Fixed Property.
5 of 1858 Law for repealing Ordinance No.4 of 1848.
6 of 1858 Law for securing Free Trade in Money.
7 of 1858 Law for enabling Aliens to hold Fixed Property in this Colony.
8 of 1858 Law for making Further Provision for the service of the year 1858.
9 of 1858 Law to repeal Ordinance No. 26, 1846, extending to the District of Natal certain provisions of the Cape Ordinance No. 60, 1829, entitled, "Ordinance for preventing the Mischiefs arising from "the Printing and Publishing Newspapers, and papers of a " like nature, by persons not known, and for regulating the "printing and publication of such papers in other respects; and " also for restraining the abuses arising from the Publication of " Blasphemous and Seditious Libels;" to enact other Regulations in lieu thereof; and to regulate the transmission of Newspapers by Post.
10 of 1858 Law for defraying the Expenses of certain Members of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Natal.
11 of 1858 Law for defraying the Expenses of certain Members of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Natal.
12 of 1858 Law for the Regulation of Building Societies.