Legislation Database


728 Records
Date Place Title
1882 Kimberly Kimberly Diamond Mine: Diagram showing claims
1882 pondo land > bomvana land Cape of goo hope Umtata river > sounding in feet and inches reduced to low water ordinary spring
1882   Alphen estate
1882 De beers diamond mine Sketch section on diagonal line,claim 324 to 888
1882 Kimberly Kimberly Diamond Mine: Diagram showing claims
1882 Kimberly Mine sketch section on lone of "8s"
1882? Tembuland Outline map of proposed European settlements in Emigrant Tembuland & Tembuland proper, showing principal land claims & southern boundary line as fixed by the Tembuland Commission 1882
1882? Tembuland [Proposed railway, via Lady Frere to Indwe coal mines] ; Plan referred to in Mr. Fletcher's report dated ... on application of the Indwe Eailway Co.
1882? Tembuland Map showing subdivision of emigrant Tembuland and Tembuland proper, according to the boundary fixed by the Tembuland Commission and the line granted by the Chief Cangalizwe in 1882
1883 Bultfontein Plan of Bult fontein mine