Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
45 of 1828 Ordinance for abolishing the Rewards heretofore payable for the Destruction of noxious Animals. ; Abolition of Rewards, etc. Ordinance
46 of 1828 Ordinance for the provisional regulation of Bankrupt and Insolvent Estates.
47 of 1828 Ordinance for regulating the Importation and Exportation of Grain and Flour in this Colony.
48 of 1828 Ordinance for establishing an Executive Police in Cape Town and the District thereof, and for consolidating and amending the Laws and Regulations relating thereto.
49 of 1828 Ordinance for the Admission into the Colony, under certain restrictions, of Persons belonging to the Tribes beyond the Frontier thereof, and for regulating the manner of their Employment as free Labourers in the service of the Colonists. ; Admission of Native Foreigners Ordinance
50 of 1828 Ordinance for improving the Condition of Hottentots and other Free Persons of Colour at the Cape of Good Hope, and for consolidating and amending the Laws affecting these Persons.
51 of 1828 Ordinance for removing the Restrictions upon the Exercise of the trade and calling of a Butcher in this Colony, and upon the Sale of Cattle in Cape Town and the District thereof, and for establishing a Cattle Market within the said Town and District. ; Regulations Concerning Butchers &c.
52 of 1828 Ordinance for authorizing Field-cornets, in certain cases, to sell by Auction, Property under the Administration of the Orphan Chamber.
53 of 1828 Ordinance for continuing in force until the 31st day of March, 1829, the Ordinance No. 46, entitled "An Ordinance for the Provisional Regulation of Bankrupt and Insolvent Estates."
54 of 1828 Ordinance for altering and amending the Ordinance No. 30 entitled: "An Ordinance for granting Licences for the Sale of Wines, Malt Liquors, and Spirituous Liquors."