Legislation Database

Cape Acts

Act / Ordinance No 1
Year 1841
Title Masters and Servants Ordinance ; Ordinance for amending and consolidating the Laws regulating the relative rights and duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices.
Source Masters and Servants Legislation, 1841-1890 ; Cape of Good Hope. Government gazette
Source No GO 682 FL.MAST.1841-1890 ; 1837
Act Date 1 Mar. 1841
Repeals An Ordinance for Improving the Condition of Hottentots and other Free Persons of Colour at the Cape of Good Hope, and for cpnsolidating and amending the Laws affecting such Persons, Ordinance No. 50 ; Ordinance for fixing the termination of certain apprenticeships, and for provinding for the destitute children of apprenticed labourers
Repealed by Masters and Servants Act 15 of 1856