Legislation Database

Cape Acts

Act / Ordinance No 20
Year 1872
Title An Act for Defining the Limits and preventing the Mischief arising from cutting, rooting up, and destroying the Trees, Shrubs, Bushes, and Fibrous Rooted Plants within an area bounded on the East and South by the Sea, on the West by the Farm Bushy Park, and including Northwards such portions of the divided Farm Buffels Fontein, the Village and Commonage of Walmer, formerly the Farm Nooitgedacht, and the Farm Paape Biesjesfontein, in the Division of Port Elizabeth, as the Drift Sands have extended or may extend over.
Source Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope, passed by the Fourth Parliament during the Sessions 1869-1873. ; Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1895: Volume II. 1872-1886.
Act Date 31 Jul. 1872
Pagination 225-229 ; 1250-1253