Legislation Database

Cape Acts

Act / Ordinance No 7
Year 1839
Title Ordinance for reviving certain sections of the Ordinance No. 48, entituled "Ordinance of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for establishing an Executive Police in Cape Town and the district thereof, and for consolidating and amending the laws and regulations relating thereto," and continuing the same until the regulations of the Municipal Board for Cape Town and the vicinity thereof shall have been duly framed, adopted, approved, and carried into effect according to the provisions of the Ordinance No. 3, 1839, entitled "Ordinance enacted by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, for the creation of a Municipal Board for Cape Town and the vicinity thereof."
Source Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations and ordinances
Act Date 11 Sept. 1839
Repealed by Ordinance 2 of 1840
Pagination 463 (Text not printed)