Legislation Database

Cape Acts

Act / Ordinance No 3
Year 1834
Title Ordinance for altering and amending the Ordinances entitled respectively, "Ordinance of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, for the better regulation of the Post Office in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope," dated the 9th day of October, 1826, and "Ordinance of His Excellency the Governor in Council, for altering and amending the Ordinance No. 25, entitled, 'An Ordinance for the better regulation of the Post Office in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope,'" dated the 9th day of February, 1829.
Source Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations and ordinances
Act Date 11 June. 1834
Repealed by Ordinance 1 of 1846
Pagination 351 (Text not printed)