Legislation Database


Act No 6
Year 1998
Title Free State Road Traffic Application Act
Source Provincial gazette
Source No 31
Country South Africa
Juridiction Free State
Descriptors Transportation, Automative ; Traffic regulations
Descriptors Traffic regulations;Transportation, Automative
Commencement Date 1 Mar 1998
Repeals Bophuthatswana. Road Traffic Act 7 of 1973 ; Bophuthatswana. Road Traffic Amendment Act 7 of 1977, 5 of 1978, 7 of 1979, 11 of 1980, 25 of 1984, 25 of 1986, 35 of 1989, 23 of 1992, 20 of 1993 ; Bophuthatswana. Road Traffic Further Amendment Act 56 of 1979 ; Bophuthatswana. Second Road Traffic Amendment Act 24 of 1992 ; Bophuthatswana. Second Black Laws Amendment Act 102 of 1978. Section 17 ; QwaQwa Traffic Act 8 of 1980 ; QwaQwa Road Traffic Amendment Act 13 of 1983, 9 of 1985, 17 of 1988