Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
31 of 1875 An Act to Amend the Law relating to Pounds and Trespasses.
1 of 1876 An Act for the better regulation of Convict Stations and Gaols.
2 of 1876 An Act to Amend the Law relating to the making out of lists of Jurors.
3 of 1876 An Act to Transfer to certain other Officers certain Duties performed by the Treasurer-General and other Officers, under the Ordinances relating to Auctioneers and Transfer Duty.
4 of 1876 An Act to encourage the planting and cultivation of Trees.
5 of 1876 An Act to authorize the Construction of a Railway from the Bushman's River to Graham's Town, instead of a Railway from Graham's Town to the Little Fish River.
30 of 1889 Masters and Servants Act ; An Act to Amend the Law relating to Masters, Servants, and Apprentices.
1 of 1841 Masters and Servants Ordinance ; Ordinance for amending and consolidating the Laws regulating the relative rights and duties of Masters, Servants, and Apprentices.
5 of 1876 An Act to Authorize the Construction of a Railway from Bushman's River to Graham's Town, instead of a Railway from Graham's Town to the Little Fish River.
6 of 1876 An Act to provide for the Better and More Effectual Supervision and Management of Native Locations.