Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
25 of 1872 An Act for Applying a Sum not exceeding Two Hundred and Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-five Pounds Seven Shillings and Five Pence Sterling for the Service of the Year 1873.
26 of 1872 An Act for Regulating the Coasting Trade of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope.
1 of 1873 An Act to Confirm the Annexation to this Colony of the Islands, Islets, or Rocks, on the South-west Coast of South Africa, called Ichaboe, Holland's Bird, Mercury, Long Island, Seal Island, Penguin Island, Halifax, Possession Island, Albatross Rock, Pomona, Plumpudding and Roast Beef or Sinclair's Island. - [Assented to on 26the June, 1873.]
2 of 1873 An Act to Protect and Regulate the Rights of Authors in respect of their Works. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]
3 of 1873 An Act to Remove Doubts as to the Ownership of Immovable Property held in Trust for Unincorporated Joint-stock Companies and other Bodies, and for the Appointment, when necessary, of Trustees for such Companies or Bodies. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873].
4 of 1873 An Act to Repeal the Eighteenth Section of Act No. 22 of 1872, and to enable the Commissioners of Table bay Docks to fix the Tonnage of Goods subject to Dues. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]
5 of 1873 An Act to Amend Act No. 16 of 1859, by enabling the Commissioners for improving the Port and Harbour of Algoa Bay to make Regulations for the better Management of the Breakwater and the Wharfs, Jetties, and Approaches belonging thereto. 0 [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]
6 of 1873 An Act for Regulating the use of Locomotives on Turnpike and other Roads, and the Tolls to be levied on such Locomotives and on the Wagons and Carriages drawn or propelled by the same. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]
7 of 1873 An Act to Repeal the Twenty-third Section of Ordinance No. 73 of 1830, intituled "An Ordinance for explaining , altering, and amending the Ordinance No. 10. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]
8 of 1873 An Act for Enabling the several Divisions of this Colony to obtain a Force of Police by contributing towards the Expenses thereof. - [Assented to 26th June, 1873.]