Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
15 of 1872 An Act for Authorizing the Purchase of the Cape Town and Wellington Railway with its Appurtenances, and for Working the same, and for raising the necessary Funds for such Purchase.
16 of 1872 An Act to Authorize the Taking and Retaining of such Lands and Materials required for Constructing a Railway between Port Elizabeth and the Bushman's River as are not already authorized to be taken.
17 of 1872 An Act to Facilitate the Construction of the Line of Railway between Wellington and Worcester.
18 of 1872 An Act to Empower the Governor to raise a Sum not exceeding Seventy Thousand Pounds Sterling for the purpose of Telegraph Purchase and Extension, and for other purposes.
19 of 1872 An Act for Facilitating the Apprehension of certain Offenders escaping to this Colony from any place within the Territories or Dominions of the South African Republic and Orange Free State.
20 of 1872 An Act for Defining the Limits and preventing the Mischief arising from cutting, rooting up, and destroying the Trees, Shrubs, Bushes, and Fibrous Rooted Plants within an area bounded on the East and South by the Sea, on the West by the Farm Bushy Park, and including Northwards such portions of the divided Farm Buffels Fontein, the Village and Commonage of Walmer, formerly the Farm Nooitgedacht, and the Farm Paape Biesjesfontein, in the Division of Port Elizabeth, as the Drift Sands have extended or may extend over.
21 of 1872 An Act to Amend Ordinance No. 1 of 1847, intituled "Ordinance for Removing Vessels stranded in the Ports and Harbours of this Colony."
22 of 1872 An Act for the Management of the Docks and Breakwater of Table Bay.
23 of 1872 An Act to Continue to the end of 1873, the Act No. 10 of 1864.
24 of 1872 An Act for Applying a further Sum not exceeding Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Pounds Sterling for the Service of the Year 1872.