Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
25 of 1826 Ordinance for the better regulation of the Post Office in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
26 of 1826 Ordinance for levying a Stamp Duty on Printed Newspapers and certain other Periodical Works
27 of 1826 Ordinance for postponing the exclusive adoption of the English Language in all Courts of Justice in thei Colony
28 of 1826 Ordinance for destroying the sum of Three Thousand Rixdollars, being the Twenty-first Instalment of the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Rixdollars created and advance by the Batavian Government in the Year 1804, for the special purpose of repairing the Damages occasioned by a Fire in the Village of Stellenbosch
1827 Letters Patent commonly called "The Charter of Justice," establishing the Supreme Court, dated 24th August, 1827 ; Charter of Justice
29 of 1826 Ordinance for making Regulations for the Conduct and Proceedings of the Masters and Crews of Merchant Vessels arriving in the Ports of this Colony
30 of 1826 Ordinance for granting Licences for the Sale of Wines, Malt Liquors, and Spiritous Liquors
32 of 1827 Ordinance for creating Justices of the Peace in this Colony ; Justices of the Peace
33 of 1827 Ordinance for creating Resident Magistrates and Clerks of the Peace in certain Districts and Places in this Colony
34 of 1827 Ordinance for dissolving the Burgher Senate