Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
6 of 1852 Ordinance to prevent the Commission of Nuisancecs in the River Liesbeek.
7 of 1852 Ordinance to amend the Ordinance No. 5, 1851, entituled "Ordinance to regulate for one year the dealing in Gunpowder and Firearms."
8 of 1852 Ordinance for regulating in certain respects the Prosecution of Crimes in Districts in which there shall not be Resident Clerks of the Peace and for other purposes.
9 of 1852 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding L216,357 5s. 8d., for the service of the year 1853.
10 of 1852 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding L4,085 1s. 10d., for the service of the years 1851 and 1852, in addtition to the Sums already in that respect provided.
1 of 1853 Ordinance to prevent the spread of the Cattle Disease, commonly called "Long Ziekte".
2 of 1853 Ordinance to regulate till the expiration of the year 1854 the Dealing in Gunpowder, Firearms, and Lead.
3 of 1853 Ordinance for declaring the Ordinance No. 9, 1836, to be in force and operation.
4 of 1853 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding L154,497 2s., for the service of the Year 1854.
5 of 1853 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding L73,480 8s. 9 1/2d., for the Service of the Years 1852 and 1853.