Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
5 of 1851 Ordinance to regulate for one Year the Dealing in Gun powder and Fire-arms.
6 of 1851 Ordinance for regulating the Rates of Wharfage Dues in Cape Town and Simon's Town.
7 of 1851 Ordinance for empowering the Commissioners for inquiring into the Rebellion in the Kat River Settlement and in other places upon the Eastern Frontier to take Evidence, and for punishing Perjury committed before the said Commissioners.
8 of 1851 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding L201,484 18s. 11d. for the service of the year 1852.
9 of 1851 Ordinance for the better regulation of the Sale of Wines and Spirituous and Fermented Liquors.
1 of 1852 Ordinance for remitting and releasing certain Loans of Money heretofore made from the Public Treasury of this Colony to or for the use of the Orange River Sovereignty.
2 of 1852 Ordinance for constituting a Parliament for the said Colony.
3 of 1852 Ordinance for regulating in certain respects the Appropriation of the Revenue of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, by the Parliament thereof.
4 of 1852 Ordinance for Improving the Kowie Harbour.
5 of 1852 Ordinance to enable Municipal Commissioners appointed under Ordinance No. 9, 1836, to purchase or hire Immovable Property for Municipal Purposes.