Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
18 of 1847 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding L179,981 9s. 7d. for the service of the year 1848.
19 of 1847 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding L11,365 9s. 8d. for the service of the year 1847, in addition to the sum already in that respect provided.
20 of 1847 Ordinance for relieving Agricultural and other Produce and other Articles from the necessity of passing through Public Markets.
21 of 1847 Ordinance for Improving the Ports, Harbours, and Road-steads of this Colony.
22 of 1847 Ordinance for establishing certain Rules of Court.
23 of 1847 Ordinance for reducing the Postage upon Religious Publications of or under a certain weight.
24 of 1847 Ordinance for Improving the Gaols of this Colony.
25 of 1847 Ordinance for improving the Police of the Colony.
26 of 1847 Ordinance to provide for the Performance in certain Places of certain Duties now performed by Clerks of the Peace.
1 of 1848 Ordinance for Improving the Port of Table Bay.