Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
22 of 1846 Ordinance for Punishing the Concealment of the Birth of Children within the District of Natal.
23 of 1846 Ordinance for Licensing Retail Shops within the District of Natal.
24 of 1846 Ordinance for regulating the due Collection, Administration, and Distribution of Insolvent Estates within the District of Natal.
25 of 1846 Ordinance for regulating the payment of the expenses of Witnesses attending to give evidence on Criminal Trials and Preparatory Examinations within the District of Natal.
26 of 1846 Ordinance for preventing the mischiefs arising from the printing and publishing within the District of Natal of Newspapers and Papers of a like nature by persons not known, and for regulating the printing and publication of such papers in other respects; and also for restraining the abuses arising from the publication in the said District of blasphemous and seditious Libels.
27 of 1846 Ordinance for amending the Law relative to Conventional Hypothecations.
28 of 1846 Ordinance for preventing the Mischief arising from the cutting, rooting up, and destroying of Trees, Shrubs, and Bushes growing on the Cape Flats and Downs.
29 of 1846 Ordinance for the better Regulation of the Sale of Wines and Spirituous and Fermented Liquors.
30 of 1846 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding L161,854 16s. 10d. for the service of the year 1850.
31 of 1846 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding L7,421 16s. 10d. for the service of the year 1846, in addition to the sum already in that respect provided.