Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
9 of 1839 Ordinance for amending Ordinance No. 60, entitled "An Ordinance for preventing the Mischiefs arising from the printing and publishing Newspapers and Papers of a like nature by persons not known, and for regulating the printing and publication of such Papers in other respects, and also for restraining the abuses arising from the publication of blasphemous and seditious Libels."
10 of 1839 Ordinance for opening and improving the River Kowie
1 of 1840 Ordinance for the better regulation of the Municipal Board for Cape Town and the vicinity thereof.
2 of 1840 Ordinance for improving the Executive Police of Cape Town and the District thereof, for defining the Powers and Duties of the said Police in certain cases, and for promoting the Peace and Good Order of the said Town.
3 of 1840 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding 156,174 pounds 12s. 11d for the service of the year 1840.
1 of 1841 Ordinance for the better Collection, as regards the Town of Cape Town, of certain Taxes and Duties due in arrear.
2 of 1841 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding 157,944 pounds 8s. 6d. for the service of the year 1841.
3 of 1841 Ordinance for re-establishing the toll at Kaayman's Gat, until the first day of february, 1855
4 of 1841 Ordinance for applying a sum not exceeding 155,879 pounds 6s. 7d. for the service of the year 1842
1 of 1842 Ordinance for authorizing the appointment of a Vestry and Churchwardens for St. Mary's Church at Port Elizabeth.