Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
7 of 1837 Ordinance for declaring at what stage of the Procedure Criminal Actions and Suits shall be deemed to be pending in the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts of the Colony.
8 of 1837 Ordinance for releasing certain Property bequeathed to Esther Andrietta Constantia de Roos, from the entail of Fidei Commis.
9 of 1837 Ordinance for altering and amending the Ordinance entituled "An Ordinance for altering and amending the Ordinances entitled respectively 'Ordinance of His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, for the better Regulation of the Post Office in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope,' dated the 9th day of October, 1826,--an Ordinance of His Excellency the Governor in Council, for altering and amending the Ordinance No. 25, entitled 'An Ordinance for the better Regulation of the Post Office in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope,' dated the 9th day of February, 1829," bearing date the 11th day June, 1834.
10 of 1837 Ordinance for limiting the Duration of the Powers granted by the Ordinance No. 6, of 1836, entituled "Ordinance for incorporating and establishing the South African Association for the Administration and Settlement of Estates," and dated the 27th day of June, 1836, to the said Association
11 of 1837 Ordinance for establishing, regulating and providing for the South African College.
12 of 1837 Ordinance for continuing the Toll at Kaayman's Gat, until the First Day of Februaru, 1840
13 of 1837 Ordinance for applying a Sum not exceeding 144,038 pounds 7s. 2d. to the Service Year 1838
1 of 1838 Ordinance for repealing the Ordinance entituled "An Ordinance for the better observance of the Lord's Day in this Colony," and dated the 23rd day of August, 1837, and for making other provisions instead thereof.
2 of 1838 Ordinance for Regulating the Sale of Bread
3 of 1838 Ordinance for fixing the Termination of certain Apprenticeships and for providing for the destitute Children of Apprenticed Labourers.