Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
1 of 1890 Act to Apply a Sum not exceeding Four Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling towards the Service of the year ending the 30th day of June, 1891. ; The Appropriation (part 1890-91) Act
3 of 1890 Act to confer upon the Supreme Court of this Colony Jurisdiction as a Court of Appeal from any Court acting under the "Africa Order in Council, 1889," and from which Court appeals to the Supreme Court are authorised in manner provided in that Order ; The Supreme Court Appellate jurisdiction Extension Act
4 of 1890 Act to provide for the taking of a Census and the Collection of certain Statistics in the Year 1891 ; Census Act
5 of 1890 Act to make provision for the Sale of Food and Drugs in pure state, and to prevent the Adulteration of Seeds ; Sale of Food and Drugs and Seeds Act
6 of 1890 Act to Apply a Sum not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling towards the Service of the Year ending the 30th day of June, 1891 ; The Second Appropriation (part 1890-91) Act
7 of 1890 Act to amend the "Scab Acts Extension Act, 1889" ; Scab Act Extension Act
8 of 1890 Act to enable the Municipal Council of Port E;izabeth to raise a further Loan of 30,000 pounds for the better Storage and Supply of Water for the use of the Inhabitantsa of Port Elizabeth ; Port Elizabeth Additional Water Supply Act
9 of 1890 Act to amend the Act No. 33 of 1888 ; Scab Law Amendment Act
10 of 1890 Act to provide for Constructing, Equipping and Working a certain Line of Railway, for the completion of certain Lines of Railway under construction, and for certain Additional Works in connection with existing Railways ; Railway Extension and Additional Works Act
11 of 1890 Act to amend the Table Bay Harbour Boards Act, 1881 ; Table Bay Harbour Board Amendment Act