Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
2 of 1886 Act to Amend the Act No. 32 of 1879, by Providing for a Reduction in the Annual Salaries of the Officers mentioned in the Seventh Section of Act No. 1 of 1872, known as "The Constitution Ordinance Amendment Act, 1885. "
3 of 1886 Act for Altering certain Rates of postage payable in the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. ; Post Office Amendment Act
4 of 1886 Act to Legalise the Deposit of Moneys in Post Office Saving Banks by certain Societies, Clubs or Funds, and to Repeal the Savings Bank Act, 1875 ; The Post Office Savings Bank Act Amendment Act
5 of 1886 Act to Constitute the District of Prieska a Fiscal Division ; The Prieska Fiscal Division Act
6 of 1886 Act to Add to and amend the provisions of "The Vineyards Protection Act, 1880." ; The Vineyards Protection Act Amendment Act
7 of 1886 Act to Repeal the Guns and Ammunition Trade Ordinance No. 29 of 1874, of Griqualand West.
8 of 1886 Act to Define "Railway Materials" for the purposes of "The Customs Tariff Amenedment Act, 1884."
9 of 1886 Act to Alter and Amend Act 20 of 1882 ; South African Jockey Club Amendment Act
10 of 1886 Act to Declare Her Majesty's Appellate Jurisdiction under the "Kimberley Borough Amendment Act," No. 30 of 1884 ; Kimberley Borough Amendment Act
11 of 1886 Act to Amend in certain respects the "Imvani and Indwe Railway and Coal Mines Act," No. 3 of 1882 ; Imvani and Indwe Railway And Coal Mines Act Amendment Act