Legislation Database

Cape Acts

3908 Records
Act Title
14 of 1880 An Act to amend in certain respects, Act No. 29 of 1868, being "An Act for the Organization and Regulation of a Police Force for the Northern Border of the Colony."
15 of 1880 An Act to provide for the Establishment and Regulation of a Force to be called "The Cape Field Artillery."
16 of 1880 An Act to indemnify certain Persons in regard to Acts done in carrying out recent Military Operations against Enemies and Rebels in Basutoland and upon the Northern Border of this Colony.
17 of 1880 An Act to provide for the Management of the Outer or Reserved Commonage of Schietfontein.
18 of 1880 An Act to authorize the Municipality of Aliwal North to Borrow a Sum not exceeding Five Thousand Pounds Sterling, for the purpose of Erecting a Town-hall, Market-house, and Offices for the use of the Inhabitants of the Town of Aliwal North.
19 of 1880 An Act to apply a Sum of Money for the Service of the Year ending the 30th day of June, 1881.
20 of 1880 An Act to provide for the Voluntary Registration of Births within the several Divisions of this Colony.
21 of 1880 An Act to authorise the Governor to Borrow a Sum not exceeding Forty-one Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-seven Pounds, for the purpose of completing certain Bridges over the Orange River.
22 of 1880 An Act to enable the Governor to Borrow a Sum not exceeding Three Hundred and Forty-nine Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen Pounds Ten Shillings and Ten Pence (L349,514 10s. 10d.) for the purpose of completing certain Railway Works; and the further Sum of One Hundred and Eighty-one Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-five Pounds One Shilling and Three Pence (L181,985 1s. 3d.) to cover the Expenditure authorised to be incurred by Act No. 13 of 1879.
23 of 1880 An Act for the Incorporation of the Municipality of East London.