National Conference Papers
Black Sash Minutes and Addresses in
BC 668 (B1.1), Manuscripts and Archives Department, University of Cape Town Libraries
here to view and download papers.
1955 |
Women's Defence of the Constitution League minutes of a conference held at 4 Eden Road, Glendinningvale, Port Elizabeth, on 29 and 30 November, 1955. Discussed conference purpose, policy, organisation, demonstrations, propaganda and information, newsletter, finance and fund-raising, regional boundaries, Constitution. Includes a memorandum on lectures. |
Presented on: 29/11/1955 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 26 | File: B1.1 |
1957 |
Report of the Information and Propaganda Sub-committee of the General Executive of the Black Sash for the year May 1956 to April 1957, discussing: Multi-racial Government, demonstrations, propaganda, publishing, human rights, education, resources. |
Presented on: 01/04/1957 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 26 | File: B1.3 |
1958 |
Memorandum of the Central Executive on the Future Organisation of the Black Sash on 10 June 1958, discussing: Written Policy, elections, government of South Africa, reform, creation of an executive, education and propaganda, ideological legislation. |
Presented on: 10/06/1958 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 26 | File: B1.4 |
Minutes of a Black Sash National Conference held at Cape Town, October 14 to 17 1958. Discussed were formation of steering/press committees, minutes of previous conference, reports from National Chairman, propaganda, Parliamentary Committee, magazine, finance, regional reports, resolutions, proposed amendments to constitution, discussion on banning orders. |
Presented on: 14/10/1958 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 26 | File: B1.4 |
1959 |
Minutes of a Black Sash National Conference held at Johannesburg 2 to 5 November 1959. Discussed were minutes of previous meeting, resolutions, press committee, central executive status, forthcoming Union Day, regional reports, book publishing, protests, corporal punishment, apartheid, pass laws, treasurer's report, magazine and propaganda. |
Presented on: 02/11/1959 | Download:  | Pages: 37 | Box: 26 | File: B1.5 |
1960 |
Presidential Address to National Conference by Mrs Stott on 31 October 1960, discussing: Pass Laws, wages, state of emergency, Apartheid, human rights, unjust laws, race relations. |
Presented on: 31/10/1960 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 26 | File: B1.6 |
Minutes of a Black Sash National Conference held at Cape Town 31 Oct to 3 Nov 1960. Discussed were minutes of previous national conference, resolutions, budget, President's report, pass laws, Urban Areas Act, social works, planning for future of Black Sash, Declaration of Human Rights, finances, magazine. propaganda, proposed inclusion of non-whites on local councils. |
Presented on: 31/10/1960 | Download:  | Pages: 28 | Box: 26 | File: B1.6 |
1961 |
Minutes of a Black Sash National Conference held at East London 7 to 8 November 1961. Discussed were minutes of previous conference, regional reports, president's report, regional headquarters, administration of regional geadquarters, demonstrations, representation, membership, racial discrimination. |
Presented on: 07/11/1961 | Download:  | Pages: 15 | Box: 27 | File: B1.7 |
National President's Report at the National Conference in East London 7 to 8 November 1961. A speech given by Mrs Stott, the National President of Black Sash. Mentioned were: South Africa leaving the Commonwealth, possible violent protests, disproportionate representation in government for racial groups, human rights, apathy of people in joining Black Sash, social improvement activities. |
Presented on: 07/11/1961 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 27 | File: B1.7 |
1963 |
Minutes of a National Conference held in Johannesburg from 22 to 24 October 1963, discussing: Minutes of previous conference, S.A.B.C., Bantu Education Act, regional reports, finances, membership drive, demonstrations. |
Presented on: 22/10/1963 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 27 | File: B1.9 |
National President’s Report: A speech given by Mrs Sinclair, National President, at the National Conference in Johannesburg on 22 October 1963, discussing: Apartheid, South West Africa, African States and airspace, international sanctions, expulsion of SA from United Nations, reform. |
Presented on: 22/10/1963 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 27 | File: B1.9 |
1964 |
‘South Africa in Crisis’
The Black Sash National Conference opening address given by Mrs Jean Sinclair, National President at Pietermaritzburg 0n 20 October 1964. Mentioned: United Nations, role of white South Africans in Apartheid, overview of Apartheid structures and principles, detention without trial, statistics of Apartheid including trials and punishments. |
Presented on: 20/10/1964 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 28 | File: B1.10 |
Minutes of Black Sash Annual National Conference held on October 20 to 23 1964 in the supper room of the City Hall in Pietermaritzburg. Discussed were: Previous annual conference minutes, Group Areas Act protest, treasurer's report, magazine, advice offices, demonstrations, resolutions, S.A.B.C. |
Presented on: 20/10/1964 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 28 | File: B1.10 |
1965 |
Minutes of the Annual National Conference held at Port Elizabeth on 18 to 21 October 1965. Discussed: Minutes of 1964 National Conference,regional reports, banning order on Jean Hill, propaganda, protest, use of satire as protest, magazine, finances, student recruitment, condition of prisons, Group Areas Act. |
Presented on: 18/10/1965 | Download:  | Pages: 15 | Box: 28 | File: B1.11 |
National Conference held at Port Elizabeth Opening address by National President Mrs Jean Sinclair on 18 October 1965, mentioning Black Sash origins, Apartheid, legislation, Native Urban Areas Act, banning of coloured political leaders, Beyers Naude, propaganda. |
Presented on: 18/10/1965 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 28 | File: B1.11 |
Report on 18 October 1965, discussing: Advice Offices, raids, press support, Apartheid, magazine, publicity and propaganda. |
Presented on: 18/10/1965 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 28 | File: B1.11 |
1966 |
Minutes of the annual National Conference held at Cape Town on October 17 to 19 1966, discussing: Regional report, finances, magazine, minutes of National Conference in 1965, propaganda, political education, constitution, multi-racialism as proposed constitutional legislation, banishment without trial, Press bias, documenting of mass arrests. |
Presented on: 17/10/1966 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 28 | File: B1.12 |
The Beginning of it all’ Professor Birley’s speech delivered at conference held at Cape Town on 18 October 1966, discusses origins and history of slavery worldwide, resistance, end to slavery, William Wilberforce, Samuel Johnson, origins of racial separation in South Africa. |
Presented on: 18/10/1966 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 28 | File: B1.12 |
1967 |
Opening Address by National President Mrs Jean Sinclair at National Conference held at Johannesburg on 16 October 1967, mentioning: Vorster, migrant labour, Suppression of Communism Act, Education Act, Terrorism Act, separate development, families separated by pass laws. |
Presented on: 16/10/1967 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 28 | File: B1.13 |
Minutes of the annual National Conference held at Johannesburg on 16 to 18 October 1967, discussing: minutes of previous conference, regional reports, magazine, bilingual propaganda, position of African women in urban areas, resettlement villages, farm labourers, finances, housing, education for all. |
Presented on: 16/10/1967 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 28 | File: B1.13 |
1969 |
Power, patriotism, principle: Opening address by Jean Sinclair at National Conference held at Pietermaritzburg on 21 October 1969, discussing: legislative power of regions, racial inequalities, separate development, bantu education, banning orders, detention powers of security police, misuse of power. |
Presented on: 21/10/1969 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 28 | File: B1.15 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Pietermaritzburg on 21 to 24 October 1969 discussing: Regional reports, magazine, minutes of previous conference, workmen's compensation, policy for involvement of churches in social responsibility, Urban Areas Act, conditions in resettlement areas. |
Presented on: 21/10/1969 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 28 | File: B1.15 |
South Africa, 2000 A.D. An exercise in Crystal-gazing: Address given by professor H.L. Watts at National Conference held at Pietermaritzburg on 22 October 1969 regarding: Urbanization, industrialization, population growth, social effects of Africans living in urban areas, employment, poverty, group relations. |
Presented on: 22/10/1969 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 28 | File: B1.15 |
1971 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Cape Town on 15 to 18 February 1971, discussing: Minutes of 1969 conference, regional reports, finances, advice office, resettlement towns, pensions, Indians in Natal, magazine, welfare, Bantu Resettlement Bill. |
Presented on: 15/02/1971 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 29 | File: B1.17 |
‘Outward Bounty and Inward Baaskap’ Opening Address by Jean Sinclair at National Conference in Cape Town on 15 February 1971 discussing: Apartheid, racial superiority and inferiority, international criticism, exit fom Commonwealth, relations with neighbouring countries, local industry and labour, homelands, governmental influence over media. |
Presented on: 15/02/1971 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 29 | File: B1.17 |
Headquarter’s Report for National Conference on 15 February 1971, discussing: Mailing List, Removals Campaign, Rule of Law, Plight of African Women, regional matters, finances and magazine. |
Presented on: 15/02/1971 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 29 | File: B1.17 |
Fact Paper Introducing Three Indian Communities Affected by the Group Areas Board Presented at National Conference on 16 February 1971, discussing: Apartheid, forced removals, zoning, education, labour. |
Presented on: 16/02/1971 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 29 | File: B1.17 |
1972 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Johannesburg on 16 to 19 October 1972 discussing: Regional reports, minutes of previous conference, Advice Office, Bantustans, resettlements, boycotts, labour conditions, Pass Laws, Apartheid, women, pensioners and youth. |
Presented on: 16/10/1972 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 29 | File: B1.18 |
Fact Paper on Employer and Employee Relationships and Low Wage Structure Presented at National Conference on 17 October 1972, discussing: Employer and employee relations, wages, worker's rights, black labour, human relations, private enterprise, job reservation, apprenticeship, education. |
Presented on: 17/10/1972 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 29 | File: B1.18 |
Transvaal Region Fact Paper on the Alexandra Hostels for the National Conference delivered on 17 October 1972, discussing: Apartheid, hostels, living conditions for workers, social structures. |
Presented on: 17/10/1972 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 29 | File: B1.18 |
Cape Western Region Fact Paper on Work of Dependents Conference Presented at National Conference on 18 October 1972, discussing: Apartheid legislation, prisons, detention, support for prisoners, rehabilitation. |
Presented on: 18/10/1972 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 29 | File: B1.18 |
1973 |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference on 15 October 1973, discussing: Urban Areas Act, Pass Laws, forced removals, Apartheid, separation of husbands and wives, housing, wages, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 15/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
‘Time for a Change’ Opening Address by Jean Sinclair at National Conference in Durban on 15 October 1973, discussing: 25 years of Apartheid, Bantustans, migrant labour, Black consciousness, strikes, education, separate development, Nusas. |
Presented on: 15/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Durban on 15 to 18 October 1973, discussing: Malnutrition Survey, magazine, finances, regional reports, minutes of previous conference, migrant labour, wages, labour laws, Campaign on African Women, resettlement, tax for Black people, domestic workers wages. |
Presented on: 15/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
South African Institute of Race Relations- Grahamstown Advice Office Report Presented at National Conference on 16 October 1973, discussing: Race Relations, Human Rights, legal exploitation. |
Presented on: 16/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
Athlone Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 October 1973, discussing: Work permits, Pass Laws, Apartheid, race relations, Urban Areas Act, Couples forced to live apart, education, resettlement, unemployment benefits, legal case work. |
Presented on: 16/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
Durban Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 October 1973, discussing: Rorced Removals, Pass Laws, work permits, housing, Bantu Administration Boards, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 16/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
Malnutrition: Fact or Fiction: Fact Paper Presented at National Conference on 18 October 1973, discussing: Malnutrition, migrant labour, infant mortality rates, wages, poverty. |
Presented on: 18/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
Housing: Fact Paper Presented at National Conference on 18 October 1973, discussing: Housing, resettlement, slums, state-assisted housing, hostels, forced removals. |
Presented on: 18/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
A Preliminary Survey into the Housing and Education of Our Fellow South Africans of the Coloured Community Report presented at National Conference on 18 October 1973, discussing: Housing, living conditions, health, forced removals, Urban Areas Act, Education, problems in schools, expenditure on education. |
Presented on: 18/10/1973 | Download:  | Pages: 24 | Box: 29 | File: B1.19 |
1975 |
‘Twenty Years of Our Lives’ Opening Address by Jean Sinclair at National Conference in Cape Town on 10 March 1975. Discusses History of Black Sash, formation, activities, protests regarding segregation, political education, multi-racial society, Bantu Education Act, Race Relations, Pass Laws, representative councils, human rights. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Durban Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 10 March 1975, discussing: Forced removals, work permits, pass laws, Unemployment Insurance, Apartheid, Trade Unions, Contract workers, housing, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
East London Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 10 March 1975, discussing: Bantu Affairs, reform, Apartheid, housing, Homelands. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Grahamstown Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 10 March 1975, discussing: Labour disputes, pass laws, housing, pensions, disability grants and legal assistance. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 10 March 1975, discussing: Aid Centre, Pass Laws, Urban Areas Act, Bantu Affairs, forced removals, homelessness. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Headquarter’s Report for National Conference presented on 10 October 1975, discussing: General Elections, Campaign on African Women, Migrant Labour, Program for Social Change, public relations. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Athlone Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 10 March 1975, discussing: Work Permits, Pass Laws, labour disputes, arrests. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Minutes of the annual National Conference held at Cape Town from 10 to 13 March 1975, discussing: Reports from headquarters, regions, advice offices and finances, Charter for Workers, worker's rights, education, housing, Women in the South African crisis, Multistan, International Women's Year. |
Presented on: 10/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 17 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Some Thoughts on Housing in South Africa- Paper presented at National Conference on 11 March 1975, discussing: Blacks banned from Home Ownership, Apartheid, slums, hostels, Homelands, separate development, Pass Laws. |
Presented on: 11/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
Notes on the History of Parliamentary Franchise in Southern Africa- Fact Paper presented by Western Cape Region at National Conference on 12 March 1975, discussing: Constitution, Coloured vote, Franchise qualifications for Blacks, High Court of Parliament Act, Senate Act, Natives Act. |
Presented on: 12/03/1975 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 30 | File: BConf |
1976 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Grahamstown on 16 to 18 March 1976, discussing: National and regional reports, finances, Advice Offices, national demonstrations, community development, wage determination for domestic and farm workers, pensions, protests, benefits and resettlement. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
East London Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 March 1976 discussing case statistics, wages, marriage birth and death certificates, housing. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 1 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Grahamstown Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 March 1976 discussing residence laws, migrant labour problem, forced removals, wage disputes, employment, unemployment, pensions and grants, families and marital problems, housing. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Durban Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 March 1976 discussing Case Statistics, wages, Trade Unions, worker's rights, housing, employment insurance fund, workmen's compensation act, work permits, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
National Headquarters Annual Report given at National Conference on 16 March 1976 discussing National Demonstration, international visitor, Advice Offices, Bantu Welfare Trust money, President's Report. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 16 March 1976 discussing: Case Statistics, public education, oppression and official secrecy, migrant labour, pass laws, unemployment, housing, residency, leaseholding, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 16/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Report on the Domestic Workers Employment Bureau Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1976 discussing Conditions of Employment, wages, minimum wages, leave, travelling expenses, training centre. |
Presented on: 17/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Report for Black Sash on Social Pensions in the Hillcrest Area Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1976 discussing costs of transport, problems with accessing pensions and disability grants. |
Presented on: 17/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
The Attitude of Coloured People Today- A Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1976 discussing Apartheid, The Vote, Representation of Natives Act, Separate Representation of Voters Act, Coloured Elections, race relations, Labour Party, reform. |
Presented on: 17/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Report on Conditions Prevailing in the Winterveld- A Summary of a Series of Articles Prepared for the Pretoria News by Neil Jacobsohn Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1976 discussing migrant labour, overpopulation, disease, cost of living, poverty, Bophuthatswana, squatting, housing. |
Presented on: 17/03/1976 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
1977 |
Presented on: 14/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Minutes of National Conference held at Johannesburg on 15 to 17 March 1977, discussing: National and regional reports, magazine, finances, importance of trade unions, Black Sash and the Law, contemporary education, housing, Unemployment Insurance Act. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Natal Midlands Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing worker's rights, dismissals, unemployment, pensions, case statistics. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Grahamstown Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing Case statistics, unemployment, pensions, housing, marital support, Social workers. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing Court and trial statistics, pass laws, housing, Transkei Independence, 1976 disturbances, legal assistance, unemployment, Advice Office Statistics. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Athlone Advice Offices Annual Report Oct ‘75 to Sep ‘76 presented at National Conference 1977, discussing income, town and township problems, squatter communities, legal work, unrest, permits for married couples, labour issues, unemployment. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Memorandum on Squatter Community in Grassy Park Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1977, discussing housing, squatting, forced removals, Prevention of Illegal Squatting Bill, employment. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Fingo Village Developments: Fact Paper Presented by Albany Region at the National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing Forced Removals, Land Ownership by Blacks, housing, health and sanitation. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
National Headquarters Annual Report given at National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing National Campaign, magazine, research projects, Women for Peace, Bantu Welfare Trust, regional visits by President of Black Sash. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Some Comments on Social Pensions in the African Community- A Report by the Transvaal Region given at the National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing pensions, lack of birth certificates in rural areas, tax, transfer of pensions. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Natal Coastal Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing case statistics, worker's rights, unemployment, work permits, pay disputes, housing, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Athlone Advice Offices Annual Report Oct ‘76 to Sep ‘77 presented at National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing Transkei independence and its' effects, 1976 unrest, recession, Prevention of illegal Squatting Amendment Act, unemployment, legal work, domestic workers. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
Border Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 15 March 1977 discussing: Analysis of Cases, unemployment, pensions, illegitimate pregnancies amongst young girls. |
Presented on: 15/03/1977 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 31 | File: BConf |
1978 |
Opening Address by National President Sheena Duncan at National Conference held at Durban on 13 Mar 1978, discussing: Apartheid, Pass offenders, prisons, housing, unemployment, forced removals, independence of Bophuthatswana, Steve Biko, detention without trial. |
Presented on: 13/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing interview statistics, political control, pass laws, Urban Areas Consolidation Act, Bophuthatswana nad Transkei independence, Homelands citizenship, unemployment insurance, rent evictions, housing, Alexandra removals, families, legal assistance. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Natal Coastal Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing case statistics, apartheid, legislation, work permits and contract workers, pay disputes, housing, unemployment insurance fund, legal aid. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Survey on Black Women in Employment in a Number of Pinetown Factories- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing Emlployment statistics, wages and discrimination between black and white, men and women, training schemes, promotion, benefits, education, pregnancy, trade unions and worker representation. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Housing Crisis in Soweto with Particular Reference to the Increase in Rentals- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing increased rentals, Bantu Affairs Administration Act, lack of housing, qualifications for housing, separation of families, leaseholding, labour. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
National Headquarters Annual Report given at National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing Pensions, map of removals, death of Steve Biko, October Bannings and Detentions, Cillie Commission, Legislation, Anti-semitism, Bantu Welfare Trust, Advice Offices, Public Relations. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Natal Midlands Region Advice Office Annual Report to National Conference on 14 March 1978 discussing case statistics, unemployment, unemployment insurance fund, worker's rights. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Minutes of National Conference held at Durban on 14 to 16 March 1978, discussing: Magazine, Treasurer's report, regional reports, Criminal Procedure Act, Fundraising and Welfare Bills, Future of Black Sash, economics, unemployment, Advice Offices, homelands, resettlement, education and pensions. |
Presented on: 14/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
The Government’s New Constitutional Proposals- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1978 discussing the Constitution, legislation, Apartheid, Reform, race Relations, separate amenities, universal vote. |
Presented on: 15/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Family Life, Poverty and Crime in the Black Urban Townships- Memorandum for Urban Foundation Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1978 discussing family life in townships, population statistics, child pregnancy, female headed families, migrant labour, pass laws, poverty, pensions. |
Presented on: 16/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
African Schools in the Western Cape - Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1978 discussing education, Bantu Education Department, race relations, job opportuniites and employment for school-leavers, schools boycott, unrest. |
Presented on: 16/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Unibell Squatter Camp in Cape Town- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1978 discussing housing, forced removals, migrant labour, pass laws. |
Presented on: 16/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Eldorado Park and Kliptown: A Housing Survey- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1978 discussing role of Black Sash in housing issues, problems caused by housing in community, utilities, income and employment, costs of rentals, overpopulation. |
Presented on: 16/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
Squatters in the Western Cape- Conference Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1978 discussing housing, demolishing of squatter camps, Bantu Affairs Administration Board, legal aid.
Presented on: 16/03/1978 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 32 | File: BConf |
1979 |
Opening Address by National President Joyce Harris at National Conference held at Cape Town on 12 March 1979, discussing: Apartheid, Pass Laws, Migrant Labour System, housing, forced removals, hostels, homelands. |
Presented on: 12/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 33 | File: BConf |
Minutes of National Conference held at Cape Town from 13 to 15 March 1979, discussing: Headquarter's report, treasurer's report, regional report, Human Rights in Law Conference, Freedom of Press, Criminal Laws Amendment Act, Police and Prisons, Education, Advice Offices, housing, squatters, deputation to Piet Koornhof, Evictions, Workmen's compensation, Trade Union Resolution,International Year of the Child, revised charter for women. |
Presented on: 13/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 33 | File: BConf |
Housing Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1979 discussing costs of rentals for new housing, housing conditions for labourers, health, hostels. |
Presented on: 14/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 33 | File: B1.26 |
Some Factors Relating to Squatter Settlements in Durban- Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1979 discussing human rights, squatter areas, Malukazi and Clermont: two squatter areas, forced removals, urban settlement, land ownership, demographics and statistics. |
Presented on: 14/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 33 | File: B1.26 |
Memorandum presented to National Conference on 14 March 1979 discussing housing, resettlement, forced removals, land ownership, unemployment. |
Presented on: 14/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 33 | File: B1.26 |
Johannesburg Advice Office Emergency Report Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1979 discussing Apartheid legislation, Pass Laws, wages, detentions, housing, examples of advice office cases. |
Presented on: 15/03/1979 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 33 | File: B1.26 |
1980 |
Makgato and Batlokwa Removals: Notes to be presented to Dr Piet Koornhof, Minister of Co-operation and Development, at an Interview on 22 February 1980 discussing forced removals, employment, tribalism, resettlement, housing, migrant labour, homelands. |
Presented on: 22/02/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Opening Address by National President Joyce Harris at National Conference held at Johannesburg on 10 March 1980, discussing: Apartheid, Immorality Act, curfews, Independence of Venda, District Six, homelands, housing, separate development. |
Presented on: 10/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Group Areas Removals in the Western Cape: The Individual Case of Mr Bawa Khalfeys’s Shop- Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1980 discussing: Forced Removals, leasehold system, labour, Group Areas Act. |
Presented on: 11/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Johannesburg on 11 to 13 March 1980, discussing: Headquarters report, magazine, treasurer's report, regional reports, Advice Ofices, Pass Laws, District Six, Homelands and rural poverty, forced removals, Bannings and restrictions, housing issues, poverty and welfare, education. |
Presented on: 11/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 19 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Winterfeld -Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing Squatter Settlements, Housing, forced removals, migrant labour, homelands, workshops. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Nondweni, or, Some South African Boat People -Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing Informal Settlements, townships, living conditions, health, crime. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Free Enterprise and Home Ownership: Mitchells Plain Style -Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing Homeownership, State-owned rentals, Group Areas Act, Free Enterprise. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Crossroads -Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing permanent residence eligibility, Urban Areas Act, homelands, migrant labour, Group Areas Act, work permits, lack of utilities, health. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
Housing Issues in Natal- Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing Squatter areas, housing, Urban Areas Act, Chatsworth Housing Action Committee, Abolition of Labour Tenancy and Mass Removals, migrant labour. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
The Western Cape- Coloured and White Preference Area- Some Implications- Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing equal rights, race relations, labour practices, pass laws, migrant labour, industrial development. |
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
The Role of the Black Sash (Port Elizabeth Branch) in the Walmer Removals and Pebco Detentions
- Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1980 discussing Forced Removals, Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation (Pebco), housing, demonstrations, detentions.
Presented on: 12/03/1980 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 34 | File: B1.26 |
1981 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Grahamstown on 13 to 16 March 1981, discussing: Headquarter's, regional, treasurer's magazine's and Advice Offices reports, labour, pensions, Group Areas Act, minutes of previous conference, voluntary removals, resettlements, education, housing, justice, capital punishment, armed conflict. |
Presented on: 13/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 16 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Opening Address by National President Joyce Harris at National Conference held at Grahamstown on 13 March 1981, discussing: Total Onslaught, Black Power, Homelands, forced removals, Independent Black States, labour disputes, Pass Laws, free enterprise, introduction of identity books for all South Africans. |
Presented on: 13/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 15 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Athlone Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1981 discussing case statistics, family life, permit problems, employment, Black labour relations, housing, squatters, legal work, pensions. |
Presented on: 14/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 17 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Winterfeld- Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1981 discussing unemployment, labour control, homelands, tenancy, leashold system, housing schemes. |
Presented on: 14/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Natal Coastal Region Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1981 discussing case statistics, case histories, pensions, Unemployment Insurance Fund, housing, hostels, legal work. |
Presented on: 14/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Johannesburg Advice Office Annual Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1981 discussing case statistics, Urban Areas Act, emlopyment and unemployment, farm labour, migrant labor, housing. |
Presented on: 14/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Cape Western Region: District Six in March 1981 -Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1981 discussing forced removals, Urban Areas Act, Cape Technikon, open trading area, churches and mosques, protest. |
Presented on: 15/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Onverwacht: Ethnic Control- Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1981 discussing relocations, forced removals, homelands, migrant labour, living conditions, resistance. |
Presented on: 15/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
The Position of Black Women in Relation to the 99 Year Leasehold System- Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1981 discussing land ownership, leasehold system, rights of married couples, women's rights. |
Presented on: 15/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
Cape Western Region Fact Paper: Langa Courts- Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1981 discussing influx control, pass laws, imprisonment, women with children in prison, prison conditions, legal work, court trial statistics. |
Presented on: 15/03/1981 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 34 | File: B1.27 |
1982 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Durban on 12 to 15 March 1982, discussing: Headquarter's report, regional reports, pensions, labour, minimum wage, minutes of previous conference, detentions, capital punishment and the death penalty, non-violent action, removal of teachers, politics. |
Presented on: 12/03/1982 | Download:  | Pages: 19 | Box: 0 | File: B1.28 |
Opening Address by National President Joyce Harris at National Conference held at Durban on 13 March 1982, discussing: Reform, Homelands, poverty, forced relocations, Pass Laws, detentions, Group Areas Act, Apartheid. |
Presented on: 13/03/1982 | Download:  | Pages: 16 | Box: 35 | File: B1.28 |
The Likely Effects of Ciskeian Independence- Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1982 discussing Homelands, land ownership, separate development, Urban Areas Act, homelessness, eligibility for benefits. |
Presented on: 13/03/1982 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 35 | File: B1.28 |
Organised Labour in East London- Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1982 discussing labour, trade unions, industrialisation, strikes, detentions. |
Presented on: 13/03/1982 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 35 | File: B1.28 |
Children Under Apartheid- Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1982 discussing Children's rights, Apartheid, housing, child labour, education, detentions and arrests of children. |
Presented on: 14/03/1982 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 35 | File: B1.28 |
1983 |
Address to the National Conference of the Black Sash by Allan Boesak on the 10 March 1983, discussing: Apartheid, theology, total onslaught, police action, South African Council of Churches, Pass Laws, prisons, detentions. |
Presented on: 10/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
Opening Address by National President Sheena Duncan at National Conference held at Cape Town on 10 March 1983, discussing: Total Strategy, reform, Black Vote, minority rule, women's rights, civil liberties. |
Presented on: 10/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
Report on Langa Commissioners Court- Presented by Cape Western Region to National Conference on 11 March 1983 discussing Apartheid, Influx Control, legislation, pass laws. |
Presented on: 11/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
The Coloured Labour Preference Area Policy- Paper Presented by Cape Western Region to National Conference on 11 March 1983 discussing Apartheid, racial discrimination, pass laws, forced removals, homelands, migrant labour, lack of black staff in hospitals. |
Presented on: 11/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
Overview of Relocation in the Transvaal: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1983 discussing forced removals, Bantustans and homelands, land ownership, squatting, housing, apartheid. |
Presented on: 11/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
The Ingwavuma Ka Ngwane Land Deal: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1983 discussing Bantustans, Homelands, forced removals, land ownership, Swaziland, division of land, resettlement, unrest and violence. |
Presented on: 11/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
Update on Eastern Cape Removals: Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1983 discussing homelands, forced removals and resettlements, Apartheid, housing, unemployment. |
Presented on: 12/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
The Housing Shortage: Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1983 discussing housing statistics, lack of housing, apartheid, disparity between needs and provision between race groups, land availability for resettlement. |
Presented on: 12/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
Squatters and Housing: Paper Presented at National Conference on 12 March 1983 discussing forced removals, housing, squatting, resettlement, destruction of shacks. |
Presented on: 12/03/1983 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 35 | File: B1.29 |
1984 |
Opening Address by National President Sheena Duncan at National Conference held at Johannesburg on 15 March 1984, discussing: Elections, Group Areas Act, Reform, Apartheid. |
Presented on: 15/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Johannesburg from 15 to 18 March 1984, discussing: Minutes of previous conference, treasurer's report, Magazine, regional reports, Advice Offices, Court Monitoring, Pass Laws, curfews, unemployment insurance, pensions, forced removals, civil liberties, immigration laws, urbanization, marriage laws. |
Presented on: 15/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 21 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
The Aliens and Immigration Laws Amendment Bill: Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing Aliens Registration Act, Aliens Act, permanent residence, South African Blacks as foreigners in South Africa, homelands, migrant labour. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Court Observer’s Report: Presented by Cape Western Region to National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing pass laws, Urban Areas Act, detentions, apartheid. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Report on the Unemployment Insurance Fund: Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing Unemployment Insurance Fund, Department of Manpower, unemployment statistics, Benefits unjustly refused, employers refusing to sign forms. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Pensions in Kwazulu: Report Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing administration of pensions, shortage of funds, review system and failure to pay arrears, case studies. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Lamontville: Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing labour, housing, apartheid, segregation, rent hikes, unrest. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Civil War in the Border Bantustan: Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing the New Constitution, Self-government, homelands, violence and protest, bus boycotts, opposition to Ciskei government. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Low-Cost Removals: The Continuing Process: Paper Presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing forced removals, resettlement, housing, apartheid, land ownership, tenant's rights, rentals. |
Presented on: 16/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
When Legal is not Good Enough: The Grasmere Case: Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing forced removals, housing, employment, apartheid, legislation, detentions, poverty. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 14 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Soshanguve: Preliminary Paper: Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing Administration and Control of Soshanguve, who may live there, legislation, housing, employment, pensions, case histories. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Removals Sub-Committee Annual Report: Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing housing, apartheid, segregation, forced removals, reform, case studies. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
“Unity in Participation” Huhudi: A case study in resistance to removal: Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing forced removals, Apartheid, segregation, Urban Areas Act, labour, housing, homelands, resistance, case studies. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
Detentions: The Changing Scene: Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing bannings, detention without trial, New Constitution, state of emergency in Ciskei, prisons and political convictions. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
The Development and Formation of the End Conscription Campaign: Paper Presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984 discussing history of the End Conscription Campaign, working principles, Black Sash involvement, campaign rationale. |
Presented on: 17/03/1984 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 36 | File: B1.30 |
1985 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Port Elizabeth from 14 to 17 March 1985, discussing: Minutes of previous conference, magazine, finances, regional reports, advice offices, court monitoring, Pass Laws, Influx Control, boycotts, unrest, closure of Rand Daily Mail, prisons, pensions, marriage laws, U.I.F., Namibia, Bophuthatswana, detentions, End Conscription Campaign, crisis in Black education. |
Presented on: 14/03/1985 | Download:  | Pages: 18 | Box: 36 | File: B1.31 |
National Conference held at Port Elizabeth Opening address by Sir Richard Luyt on 14 March 1985, discussing: Military Force, Human Rights, minority rule, conscription, Namibia, End Conscription Campaign. |
Presented on: 14/03/1985 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 36 | File: B1.31 |
Opening Address by National President Sheena Duncan at National Conference held at Port Elizabeth on 14 March 1985 discussing: 30th Anniversary of Black Sash, bans on gatherings, detention, reform, poverty, labour. |
Presented on: 14/03/1985 | Download:  | Pages: 14 | Box: 36 | File: B1.31 |
The Hambanati Story: Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1985 discussing Native Urban Areas Act, apartheid, housing, separate development, Group Areas Board, violence, vigilantism, homelands. |
Presented on: 15/03/1985 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 36 | File: B1.31 |
1986 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Durban from 13 to 16 March 1986, discussing: Minutes from previous conference, Headquarter's report, regional reports, magazine, finances, Durban unrest, detention of children, educational reforms, End Conscription Campagn, Pass Laws, Pensions, Advice Offices, forced removals. |
Presented on: 13/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 23 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Opening Address by National President Sheena Duncan at National Conference held at Durban on 13 March 1986, discussing: Detentions, deaths of Molly Blackburn ans Matthew Goniwe, violence, Prisons and Defence Acts, Closure of Rand Daily Mail, dismantling Apartheid, ID Documents, civil disobedience, child labour. |
Presented on: 13/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Presented on: 14/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Alexandra: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1986 discussing housing conditions, violence, protests, police violence, State of Emergency, occupation of township by troops, use of lethal force by government. |
Presented on: 14/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Transvaal Rural Action Committee: Vigilantes: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1986 discussing rural violence, forced removals, rent evictions, homelands, protests, vigilantism, tribalism, police violence. |
Presented on: 14/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing State of Emergency, bannings of meetings and organisations, resistance, rent boycotts, police and army brutality and torture, consumer boycotts, reform. |
Presented on: 15/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 19 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Alleged Police Violence in the Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage Area: Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing police brutality, riots, mob violence, detentions, violence and torture of detainees, prison conditions, legal system. |
Presented on: 15/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Verdict Brought by Dr Wendy Orr and 43 Others Restraining the Police from Assaulting Detainees in Port Elizabeth Prisons: Report Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing State of Emergency Regulations, detentions, police using torture, abuse of prisoners, legal rights of prisoners, living conditions in prisons, human rights abuses. |
Presented on: 15/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
The Children’s Emergency (with particular reference to the Port Elizabeth Area): Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing children's rights, police brutality, state of emergency, juvenile detentions, taking of substitute siblings into custody, violence by police against children, children in courts without their parents, Children's Act. |
Presented on: 15/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
End Conscription Campaign Annual Report for Cape Western Region: Report Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing conscription, Black Sash involvement in the End Conscription Campaign, resistance, protests, list of participation in events. |
Presented on: 15/03/1986 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
1987 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Cape Town from 12 to 15 March 1987, discussing: Minutes of previous conference, headquarters and regional reports, Magazine, finances, Advice Offices, forced removals, detentions, court monitoring, impoverishment, education, urbanisation, militarisation. |
Presented on: 12/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 21 | Box: 37 | File: B1.33 |
Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at National Conference held at Cape Town on 12 March 1987, discussing: State of Emergency, detentions, conditions of prisons, pass laws, restoration of South African citizenship, education. |
Presented on: 12/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 37 | File: B1.33 |
Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing State Security Council, Information scandal, propaganda, militarisation, structure of National Security management. |
Presented on: 13/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 37 | File: B1.32 |
Detentions in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage during the second National State of Emergency: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing case statistics, State of Emergency, detentions, forced removals, juvenile imprisonment. |
Presented on: 13/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Operation Oliekol: Removals and Orderly Urbanisation in the P.E./Uitenhage areas: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing urbanisation, forced removals, housing, resistance, vigilantism, separate development. |
Presented on: 13/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Municipal Police in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing assaults by police, torture, human rights abuses, civil actions, forced removals, housing, State of Emergency, training and pay for police. |
Presented on: 13/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Kwelerha: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing tribal conflict, housing, homelands, forced removals, social problems, pensions and disability grants, detentions. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Removals Continue: The case of the Brits Old Location Removal: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing forced removals, housing, violence, social conditions, community mobilisation. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Court Monitoring Report Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing pass courts, influx control, migrant labour, violence, case statistics, legal defence, human rights, court conditions. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
The mid 1986 Crossroads/KTC Squatter Camp Demolitions in Wider Context: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing social conditions, political context, housing, townships, land ownership, violence and vigilantism, forced removals. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Notes on Inanda Dam Removals: Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing forced removals, housing, tribal lands, compensation, social problems. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Chesterville: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing housing, urbanisation, forced removals, poverty, protest, violence. |
Presented on: 14/03/1987 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
1988 |
Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at National Conference held at Johannesburg on 10 March 1988, discussing: Indigenous history, Rule of Law, People's Justice, End Conscription Campaign, restrictions on political parties and trade unions, Bill of Rights. |
Presented on: 10/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 38 | File: B1.34 |
Detentions in and around Grahamstown: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing State of Emergency, detentions, resistance, forced removals, healthcare problems, unemployment. |
Presented on: 11/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 14 | Box: 38 | File: B1.33 |
Court Monitoring Report Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing Legal rights, claims against minister of Law and Order, terrorism trials, policing, trials, sentencing, rural outreach, case statistics. |
Presented on: 11/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 39 | File: BConf |
The Uitenhage Experience: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing violence, vigilantism, housing, forced removals, schools boycotts, Langa massacre, community councils, urbanisation. |
Presented on: 11/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 39 | File: BConf |
Human Rights in Namibia: 10 Years after Security Council Resolution 435: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Security Council, SADF raid at Cassinga, Namibia, health care, poverty, Namibia as a South African state. |
Presented on: 11/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 5 | Box: 39 | File: BConf |
Kwandebele, a question of power: Paper Presented at National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing independence of Kwandebele, violence, police brutality, torture, human rights. |
Presented on: 11/03/1988 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 39 | File: B1.34 |
1989 |
Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at National Conference held at Durban on 2 March 1989, discussing: Liberation, press freedom, detentions, militarisation, detentions, capital punishment, political trials, legislation, labour and poverty. |
Presented on: 02/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 8 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Minutes of National Conference held at Durban from 2 to 5 March 1989, discussing: Reports from National Headquarters, regions, magazine, finaces and Advice Offices, Removals, homelessness, State of Emergency, education, capital punishment, resolutions and strategies, affiliation to political and non-political groups, empowerment, human rights. |
Presented on: 02/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 27 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Squatting in the Peri-urban Areas of Metropolitan Cape Town: Paper Presented at National Conference on 03 March 1989 discussing urbanisation, squatting, housing, unemployment, legal access to land, social conditions in squatter areas, forced removals. |
Presented on: 03/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Braklaagte: Resisting Incorporation: Paper Presented at National Conference on 03 March 1989 discussing homelands, Bophuthatswana, incorporation of new territory into homelands, apartheid, forced removals, tribalism, work permits and migrant labour, poverty, schools and education. |
Presented on: 03/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Analysis of Conflict in Inanda: Paper Presented at National Conference on 3 March 1989 discussing politically based violence, COSATU, United Democratic Front, informal settlements, unemployment, forced removals, urbanisation, case studies of violence. |
Presented on: 03/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 14 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Cape Western Region Court Monitoring Report 1989: report Presented at National Conference on 3 Mar 1989 discussing human rights, Apartheid legislation, court experiences, case studies, case statistics, hunger strikes, children in court, inquests, treason trials. |
Presented on: 03/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 11 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Transvaal Branch Court Monitoring Report 1989: report Presented at National Conference on 3 March 1989 discussing case studies and statistics, treason trials, detentions, people's courts, human rights violations, Freedom Charter, conscription. |
Presented on: 03/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Death Sentences for Politically-related Crimes in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference on 4 March 1989 discussing death sentences for politically-orientated crimes, capital punishment, politically-related murders in the Eastern Cape, necklace killings, use of children as witnesses in capital cases, case statistics of executions, some case studies. |
Presented on: 04/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
Profile of a Death Row Prisoner: Paper Presented at National Conference on 4 March 1989 discussing political and ordinary prisoners on death row, apartheid, education of death row prisoners, statistics of access to legal representation and reasons for conviction, human rights, Society for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, statistics of capital punishment in South Africa. |
Presented on: 04/03/1989 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 40 | File: BConf |
1990 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Grahamstown from 2 to 4 March 1990, discussing: Reports from Headquarters, regions, magazine, advice offices and finances, pensions, urbanisation, Natal unrest, dismantling Apartheid. |
Presented on: 02/03/1990 | Download:  | Pages: 36 | Box: 41 | File: BConf |
Opening Address by National President Mary Burton at National Conference held at Grahamstown on 2 March 1990, discussing: Release of Mandela, FW De Klerk and reform, end of Apartheid, ANC, Bill of Rights, Constitution. |
Presented on: 02/03/1990 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 41 | File: BConf |
Court Monitoring Report Cape Western Region: Report Presented at National Conference on 3 March 1990 discussing political trials, police action, public violence, terrorism trials, claims against Minister of Law and Order, other cases. |
Presented on: 03/03/1990 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 41 | File: BConf |
1991 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Cape Town from 1 to 4 March 1991, discussing: Headquarters and regional reports, Advice Offices, Land and Housing, Social welfare, development and training, women, violence. |
Presented on: 01/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 33 | Box: 42 | File: BConf |
Presented on: 01/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 9 | Box: 43 | File: BConf |
Natal Violence: Why the War Continues: Paper Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing violence in Natal, homelands, Inkatha, vigilantism, lack of prosecution for violence, death statistics, case studies and affidavits, newspaper reports. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 14 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
Violence Now: Haphazard or Orchestrated?: Paper Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing state repression, Apartheid, homelands, tribalism, detention and torture, deaths in police custody, harassment and police action, hostels, hit squads and vigilantism, case studies and affidavits. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 20 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
Report on Repression and Violence: Report Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing tribalism, politically motivated violence, homelands, ethnic violence, boycotts, police violence, civil unrest, apartheid. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
People’s Courts in Port Elizabeth: Paper Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing unemployment, wages, crime, lack of police response to crime, kangaroo courts, community response to crime. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 2 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
Black Local Government and the Crisis in Khayelitsha: Paper Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing forced removals, school boycotts, education, police violence in Khayalitsha, marches, protests, unrest, black local authorities. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 4 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
Repression Portfolio Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 2 March 1991 discussing political imprisonment, repatriation, court monitoring, repression and violence, affidavits and statements, Harms commission, campaigns and lobbying, proposal for a regional monitoring group. |
Presented on: 02/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 15 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
Out of the Fire to Find New Fetters: The Violence of Poverty in a Shack Settlement: Paper Presented at National Conference on 3 March 1991 discussing informal settlements, Group Areas Act, poverty, housing, employment, availability of water, living conditions in shacks, education. |
Presented on: 03/03/1991 | Download:  | Pages: 16 | Box: 42 | File: B1.37 |
1992 |
Opening Address by National President Jenny De Tolly at National Conference held at Johannesburg on 5 March 1992, discussing: Global changes, ANC negotiating with De Klerk, reform, policing, violence and the Third Force, elections. |
Presented on: 05/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 43 | File: B1.38 |
Repression Monitoring Group Final Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing political violence, statistics of politically-related deaths, regional trends, tribal and political violence in Natal, traditional weapons, Peace Accord, criminal convictions for violence. |
Presented on: 06/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 16 | Box: 43 | File: B1.38 |
Narrative Report of the Trust for 1991: Report Presented at National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing politically-motivated killings and violence, apartheid legislation, elections, race classifications, returning exiles, training programmes, women in rural areas, land ownership. |
Presented on: 06/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 43 | File: B1.38 |
“We Demand Fair Redistribution of this Country’s Land”: Paper Presented at National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing restoration of land, forced removals, land reform, land rights, government initiatives, community-driven processes. |
Presented on: 06/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 13 | Box: 44 | File: B1.38 |
Violence Researcher’s Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 6 March 1992 discussing research, liaison between monitors and police, violence, interviews with Minister of Law and Order and police officials, community visits. |
Presented on: 06/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 3 | Box: 44 | File: B1.38 |
Presented on: 06/03/1992 | Download:  | Pages: 17 | Box: 44 | File: B1.38 |
1993 |
Opening Address by National President Jenny De Tolly at National Conference held at Natal Midlands on 30 March 1993, discussing: Negotiations, democracy, violence, economic crime and corruption, ethics. |
Presented on: 30/03/1993 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 44 | File: B1.39 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Natal Midlands from 2 to 5 April 1993, discussing: Headquarter's and regioal reports, finances, magazine, advice offices, human rights, Natal violence, parliament, economics, death penalty. |
Presented on: 02/04/1993 | Download:  | Pages: 34 | Box: 44 | File: B1.39 |
The Struggle for Land and Housing in the East London Metropolitan Area: Report Presented at National Conference on 3 April 1993 discussing housing, urbanisation, land ownership, squatter communities, Independent Development Trust, homelands. |
Presented on: 03/04/1993 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 44 | File: B1.39 |
Monitoring Coordinator Annual Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 3 April 1993 discussing Goldstone Commission of Enquiry (into taxi war in Cape Town), joint forum on policing, network of independent monitors, policing, violence. |
Presented on: 03/04/1993 | Download:  | Pages: 10 | Box: 44 | File: B1.39 |
1994 |
Minutes of National Conference held at Cape Town from 29 to 31 July 1994, discussing: Reports from headquarters, regions, finances, magazine, advice offices, voter education, gender portfolio, capital punishment, future of NGO's, affirmative action, conditions of employment, demilitarisation. |
Presented on: 29/07/1994 | Download:  | Pages: 29 | Box: 45 | File: B1.40 |
Opening Address by National President Jenny De Tolly at National Conference held at Cape Town on 29 July 1994, discussing: Multi-party Negotiations, new government structure, local government, democracy, constitution, ANC majority, RDP. |
Presented on: 29/07/1994 | Download:  | Pages: 7 | Box: 45 | File: B1.40 |
National Advice Office Researcher’s Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 30 July 1994 discussing human rights, poverty, child welfare, marital support and maintainance, legislation watch, networking. |
Presented on: 30/07/1994 | Download:  | Pages: 12 | Box: 45 | File: B1.40 |
Repression Monitoring Portfolio Report: Report Presented at National Conference on 30 July 1994 discussing regional monitoring of elections, monitoring mobile ID units, distribution of voting booklet, involvement with other election observing groups, the way ahead, voter education. |
Presented on: 30/07/1994 | Download:  | Pages: 6 | Box: 45 | File: B1.40 |