SA Government by Subject

Abuse of administrative power - South Africa
Public Protector
Public Service Commission
Access and benefit-sharing See:Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (2010)
Accounting - South Africa
Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
"The Accounting Standards Board was established by section 91 of the Public Finance Management Act, (Act 1 of 1999) (PFMA) as amended. The ASB sets standards and guidelines for financial statements as required by section 216 (a) of the Constitution of South Africa."
Accounting - Study and teaching - South Africa
Financial and Accounting Services Education and Training Authority (FASSET)
Statutory body established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, by the Department of Labour. National public entity.
Accreditation (Education) - South Africa

Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) Accreditation System
Permanent sub-committee of the Council on Higher education (CHE).
NQF Gateway
"online resource centre for the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)."
Umalusi General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Council
National public entity/Juristic person established by the General and Further Education and Training Act, Act 58 of 2001.
Acid mine drainage - South Africa
Acid Mine Drainage: Long Term Solution Feasibility Study
Witwatersrand, Gauteng: Acid Mine Drainage: Long Term Solution
AcSentSinceXistence - StayhumbleRecords Music - Research - South Africa
Travelling Institute for Music Research in South Africa (TIMR)
Initiative of the National Resaerch Foundation in partnership with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
Administrative accountability Subject resource list:
Administrative agencies - South Africa
National government handbook : a complete guide to national government in South Africa
Office on Institutions Supporting Democracy
National Assembly Office.
Administrative agencies - South Africa - Computer network resources

Administrative agencies - South Africa - Pretoria
Re Kgabisa Tshwane
" a programme of the South African Government that is being led by the Department of Public Works (DPW), The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) as well as the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM). The main purpose of Re Kgabisa Tshwane is to ensure a long term accommodation solution for national Government department head offices and agencies within the inner city of Tshwane."
Adult education
Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET)
Aeronautics and state - South Africa
"aims to promote European and South African research co-operation in aeronautics and air transport."
Aeronautics, Commercial - South Africa
Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company
(ATNS). State owned, limited liability company, statutory body, major public entity.
Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA)
Statutory body and major public entity.
Joint Aviation Awareness Programme (JAAP)
"The Joint Aviation Awareness Programme is a state initiated entity that brings together aviation role players to pursue and achieve transformation of the aviation industry by ensuring that previously disadvantaged youth have access and play a part in initiatives aimed at education, awareness and career development."
South African Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
Aerospace industries - South Africa
Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (AISI)
Centurion Aerospace Village (CAV)
"an initiative of the dti to develop a High - tech Advanced Manufacturing, Aero - mechanical and Defence Cluster adjacent to the Waterkloof Airforce base in Centurion, Tshwane. The primary purpose of CAV is to develop a sub-tier supply chain which is aimed at integrating the local aerospace and defence companies into the global supply chains and becoming suppliers of choice to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) such as Boeing, Airbus, Spirit Aviation, Labinal, etc."
National Aerospace Centre of Excellence (NACoE)
National programme of the Department of Trade & Industry.
Affirmative action programs - South Africa
AgriBEE Charter Council
B-BBEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment)
DTI website.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Commission
"established by Section 13B of B-BBEE Act 46 of 2013 "
Information and Communication Technology Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council
Established in 2012?
National Empowerment Fund
Established by the National Empowerment Fund Act No 105 of 1998.
Transport Sector Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council
Establishment approved in the Cabinet meeting of 5 Nov. 2014.
Afrikaans language
Afrikaanse Taalmuseum (Paarl)
Cultural institution/National public entity.
Agreements, treaties, etc. See: South Africa - Foreign relations -Treaties
Agribusiness See; Agricultural industries
Agricultural cooperatives See: Agriculture, Cooperative
Agricultural credit - South Africa
Land Bank
"leading agricultural financier in South Africa since its inception in 1912." Statutory body and major public entity. Development finance institution (DFI)
Micro-Agricultural Finance Schemes of South Africa (MAFISA)
"State-owned scheme to provide micro and retail agricultural financial services on a large, accessible, cost effective and sustainable basis in the rural areas ..., approved in principle by Cabinet in Jan. 2005."
Officially launched 19 July 2007.
Agricultural development projects - South Africa
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP).
"The aim of this programme is to provide post settlement support to the targeted beneficiaries of land reform and to other producers who have acquired land through private means and are, for example, engaged in value-adding enterprises domestically or involved in export."
Agricultural education - South Africa National Agricultural Education and Training (NAET) Forum.
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA).
Statutory body established in terms of the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, by the Department of Labour. National public entity.
Primary Agriculture Education and Training Authority(PAETA)
SETA for Secondary Agriculture (SETASA)
Agricultural extension work - South Africa
National Extension Policy
"Phulisani has been awarded a grant by the Ford Foundation to work with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and to engage all the key stakeholders to contribute to the development of a practical policy which addresses national extension and advisory service priorities across the three sectors."
Agricultural industries - South Africa
Agri SA
Organisation representing commercial agricultural producers and businesses.
Joint Agribusiness Department of Agriculture Forum for Africa (JADAFA)
"JADAFA is a joint partnership between the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the agribusiness sector in South Africa. JADAFA aims to increase agricultural and agro-industrial investment and partnerships in Africa."
KwaZulu-Natal Agribusiness Development Agency
"a public entity that was established in 2009 to serve as a special purpose vehicle to drive socio-economic transformation in the agricultural and agribusiness sector in KwaZulu-Natal."
Agricultural labourers - South Africa
Agricultural labourers - South Africa - Congresses
National Summit on Vulnerable Workers in Farms, Forestry and Fisheries (2010 : Somerset West)
Agricultural land See: Land capability for agriculture
Agricultural marketing See: Farm produce - Marketing
Agricultural processing - South Africa
"An Agri-park is a networked innovation system of agro-production, processing, logistics, marketing, training and extension services, located in a District Municipality. "
Agricultural processing - South Africa - Eastern Cape
Sustainable Micro Agro Processing (SMAP)
Organisations involved: Fort Cox College of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Science and Technology, Agriculture Research Council (ARC), BioMass Renewables (BMR) and the Development Bank of Southern Africa,
Agricultural trade See: Produce trade
Agriculture - Economic aspects - South Africa
Agri SA
Organisation representing commercial agricultural producers and businesses.
Agricultural Business Chamber.
Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS)
"Established in 2006 under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) supports efforts to promote evidence and outcome-based policy planning and implementation as part of the CAADP agenda."
Agriculture - Environmental aspects
Climate-Smart Agriculture for Development (FAO)
Smart Agriculture for Climate Resilience (SmartAgri)
"a collaborative project between the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (DOA) and the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (DEA&DP), and the University of Cape Town’s African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI), and is aimed at creating sustainable climate smart responses for increased resilience in agriculture."
Agriculture - Environmental aspects - South Africa - Congresses
African Ministerial Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture (Johannesburg : 2011)
Agriculture - Environmental aspects - South Africa - Western Cape
"This is a Better Together Initiative brought to you by Western Cape Department of Agriculture and GreenCape."
"This is a Better Together Initiative brought to you by Western Cape Department of Agriculture and GreenCape."
Agriculture - Maps
Agricultural Geo-Referenced Information System (AGIS)
Includes AGIS atlas 2006, Orientation atlas & Natural resource atlas. "geo-referenced land, climate, plant nutrients, production and water information, integrated with infrastructural- and socio-economic factors."
Agriculture - Research - South Africa
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Statutory body/National public entity/Science council.
Marketing and Economic Research Centre (MERC)
National Agricultural Marketing Council. Research Portal
Agriculture - South Africa - Eastern Cape
Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute (GADI)
Directorate of the national Dept. of Agriculture, situated in the Eastern Cape.
Agriculture - South Africa - Finance
Recapitalization and Development Programme (RECAP)
Dept. of Rural Development and Land Reform programme.
Agriculture - South Africa - Statistics
Statistics South Africa. Agricultural Statistics
Agriculture - South Africa - Study and teaching
Agriculture - South Africa - Western Cape - Statistics
Western Cape. Dept. of Agriculture. Agricultural Economic Services. Agricultural Statistics
Agriculture and climate change See:Agriculture - Environmental aspects
Agriculture and state - South Africa

Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy
Non-government research unit, with some connection to Government.
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
"a virtual network linking individuals with multi-disciplinary backgrounds to a coordinated research system that informs decision making within the Food System. The core analytical team consists of independent analysts and researchers who are affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development at the University of Pretoria, the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Stellenbosch, or the Directorate of Agricultural Economics at the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Western Cape. "
Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP).
"The aim of this programme is to provide post settlement support to the targeted beneficiaries of land reform and to other producers who have acquired land through private means and are, for example, engaged in value-adding enterprises domestically or involved in export."
Provincial Decision-Making Enabling (PROVIDE) Project.
Agriculture and state - South Africa - Eastern Cape
Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform
Eastern Cape agriculture programmes
Agriculture and state - South Africa - KwaZulu-Natal
Agriculture, Cooperative - South Africa - Finance
Mabhida Youth Cooperatives Grant Fund
Fund administered by the National Youth Development Agency.
Agro processing See: Agricultural processing
AIDS (Disease) - Prevention
Internet portal of the Medical Research Council. Disseminates HIV/AIDS information.
Dept. of Health. National HIV and AIDS and TB Unit
HIV & AIDS Plan: Public Consultation
AIDS (Disease) - Research
South African HIV/AIDS Research and Innovation Platform (“SHARP”)
Established by the Department of Science and Technology and managed by LIFElab.
AIDS (Disease) - South Africa - Prevention
Eastern Cape AIDS Council (ECAC)
Partnership Against HIV and AIDS
South African AIDS Directory
South African National Aids Council (SANAC)
Advisory body to Cabinet.
South African National AIDS Council (SANAC)
AIDS (Disease) and mass media
AIDS (Disease) in pregnancy - Prevention - South Africa
Last Mile Plan: Elimination of MTCT in South Africa
Department of Health.
Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Programme.
Dept. of Health programme.
AIDS vaccines
South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI).
Lead programme of the Medical Research Council. "established to co-ordinate the research, development and testing of AIDS vaccines in South Africa."
Air - Pollution - South Africa
Air quality management - South Africa
Air Quality Governance Lekgotla
Department of Environmental Affairs. Climate Change and Air Quality Management Branch
South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS)
Waterberg-Bojanala Priority Area
Air quality management - South Africa - Cape Town
City of Cape Town. Air Quality Monitoring Network
Air quality management - South Africa - Congresses
Annual Air Quality Governance Lekgotla
Air quality management - South Africa - Highveld
Highveld Priority Area
Air quality management - South Africa - Johannesburg
Joburg Air Quality Management and Climate Change
Air quality management - South Africa - Vaal Triangle
Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area
Vaal Triangle Airshed project
Air travel - South Africa - Cape Town
Cape Town Air Access
"CTAA as the focal point for international air route development in the Western Cape and signifies an impressive collaboration between the Western Cape Provincial Government (WCG), the City of Cape Town (CoCT), Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), Cape Town Tourism (CTT), South African Tourism (SAT), Wesgro and private sector partners. "
Air travel See also: Aeronautics, Commercial
Airlines - South Africa
Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company
(ATNS). State owned, limited liability company, statutory body, major public entity.
South African Airways (SAA)
South African Express (Pty) Ltd (SAX)
Shareholder: Transnet.
Airports - South Africa
Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA)
Statutory body and major public entity.
Dube TradePort
"airport development which combines the King Shaka International Airport (KSIA), a Trade Zone and a Cyberport."
Dube TradePort Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Information
Traveller's Friend
ACSA site.
Alcohol abuse - South Africa - Western Cape
Western Cape Government. Drug Info
Alexander Bay
(Alexander Bay Development Corporation). Major public entity, established 1989, public company since November 1992.
Alexandra Renewal Project (ARP)
"Joint project between all three tiers of government, the private sector, NGOs and community-based organisations, one of 8 urban nodes that comprises part of the South African Government's Integrated Sustainable Rural Development and Urban Renewal Programme."
Alien plants - South Africa - Cape Town
Cape Peninsula Invasive Plant EDRR programme
Alien plants See also: Biological invasions
Allied health personnel
Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa
Juristic person (originally the South African Associated Health Service Professions Board) in terms of the Allied Health Professions 63 of 1982.
Aluminium - Metallurgy
Coega Development Corporation
Aluminium industry and trade
Down Stream Aluminium Centre for Technology (DACT)
"incubator" funded by Dept. of Trade and Industry, for SMMEs in the aluminium casting industry.
Amathole Marine Protected Area

SANBI. Offshore Biodiversity Initiative
World Wildlife Fund for Nature. Marine Protected Areas.
Includes a list of South African MPA's.
Analog-to-digital conversions
Broadcasting Digital Migration (BDM) Advisory Council
Appointed July 2018. "The members of the Advisory Council shall be in office until analogue switch-over has been completed in the country. " Source:
Digital Dzonga Advisory Council.
Digital Migration Official Website
Go Digital South Africa
Angola - Relations - South Africa
South African Embassy, Angola
Antarctic Legacy Archive. Official Documents
Dept. of Environmental Affairs. Antartica and southern oceans islands
South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP)
Antartica - Bibliography
South African National Antartic Programme. SANAP Research Output
Antelopes - South Africa
Gouritz Initiative. Informative Maps
Includes buck distribution.
Antidumping duties - South Africa
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC).
Has Reports on Investigations.
South African Revenue Service (SARS)
Search with keyword "anti-dumping."
Antidumping duties See also - Dumping (International trade)
Apartheid - Law and legislation - South Africa
Aluka. Legislation and Race Relations.
Full-text facsimiles of original acts. Incomplete.
Apartheid - South Africa - Sources
Aquaculture - South Africa
Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP)
Combined Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) programme.
China-South Africa Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC)
Handed over to the South Africa Government on 23 June 2017.
Fisheries Branch. Aquaculture
Aquaculture - South Africa - Western Cape
Western Cape Government. Dept. of Agriculture. Aquaculture
Aquatic biodiversity - South Africa
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)
Aquatic ecology - South Africa
Aquatic Resource Data
National Aquatic Ecosystem Health Monitoring Programme
Strategic framework for monitoring and assessment of water quality and aquatic ecosystem health
Aquifers - South Africa - Western Cape
Table Mountain Group Aquifer Feasibility Study & Pilot Project
South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA)
Arbitration, Industrial - South Africa
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
Statutory body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, national public entity, dispute resolution body.
Architects - South Africa
Built Environment Professions Export Council (BEPEC)
"section 21, not-for-profit company that is in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the South African Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), who jointly support export-ready firms to export their built environment services internationally. ... previously known as the International Business Development Section (IBDS), was created in 2001"
Council for the Built Environment (CBE)
Statutory body established in terms of the Council for the Built Environment Act, 2000 (Act No. 43 of 2000) (CBE Act).
SAHRA. Early Architects of South Africa.
South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP)
Architects - Training of - South Africa - Western Cape
Masakh'iSizwe Centre of Excellence
"The Western Cape Province Department of Transport and Public Works established the Masakh'iSizwe ("Let's Build the Nation") Centre of Excellence at the beginning of 2006. ...The centre aims to develop professionals in engineering and the built environment fields."
Built Environment Knowledge Dissemination Portal.
"This portal is a joint initiative between the CSIR and other government departments and organisations active in the built environment field."
National Archives and Records Service (NARS)
Established as a "branch of the public service" by the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act 43 of 1996.
Arms control - South Africa
National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC)
Statutory body responsible for the control over trade in conventional arms and rendering of foreign military assistance .
South African Council for the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Includes: South Africa’s National Legislation on Non-Proliferation, Disarmament and Arms Control
Engelenburg House Art Collection (Pretoria)
Cultural institution/National public entity.
William Humphreys Art Gallery (Kimberley)
Cultural institution/National public entity.
Art - South Africa - Congresses
Visual Arts Indaba
Art and state
Dept. of Arts and Culture
(Formerly: Dept. of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology)
Artificial groundwater recharge - South Africa
South Africa's Artificial Recharge Information Centre
"set up by Groundwater Africa (GWA) for South Africa's Department of Water Affairs (DWA)."
Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Institute of South Africa
Collaboration between the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, Tshwane University of Technology and the University of Johannesburg. Launched 30 November 2022.
Artificial satellites - South Africa
CSIR Satellite Applications Centre
Artisans - Training of - South Africa
Artisan Training Programme (AATP)
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Seta. Artisan Development Unit
National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body (NAADAB)
"established as a statutory apprenticeship and artisan development advisory body"--Regulations for the Establishment of the National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body, SA Government Gazette no. 48524 (5 May 2023), notice no. 3383.
National Artisan Development Support Centre (NADSC)
Department of Higher Education site.
National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB)
"established in the Department of Higher Education and Training on 30th November 2010 in terms of Section 26A (1)(a) of the Skills Development Act."
Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
Artisans - Training of - South Africa - Western Cape
Western Cape Artisan Development Programme
Arts - Finance

Business and Arts South Africa (BASA)
"Founded in 1997 as a joint initiative of government and the business sector, to secure the future development of the arts industry in our country, through increased corporate sector involvement." Section 21 company. National public entity. De-listed, 31 March 2006.
National Arts Council
Arts - Study and teaching
Create SA (Creative Research Education And Training Enterprise South Africa)
"National Skills Fund strategic project of the MAPPP-SETA implemented in partnership with the Department of Arts and Culture, The National Arts Council and the National Film and Video Foundation."
Astronautics and state
South African Space Portal
Site provided by the National Working Group on Space Science & Technology - "an inter-departmental government initiative to coordinate and promote the study and peaceful uses of outer space for the benefit of South Africa and all its people."
Astronomical observatories - South Africa
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
"Founded in 1820, the SAAO is the national centre for optical and infrared astronomy in South Africa." A facility of the National Research Foundation.
Astronomy - South Africa
Office of Astronomy for Development (IAU OAD)
"The Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) is a joint project of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the South African National Research Foundation (NRF) with the support of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)."
Atmospheric emissions See: Air - Pollution
Auditors - South Africa

Automobile industry and trade - South Africa
State Owned Companies’ (SOC) Automotive Industry Competitiveness Forum
Automative Export Industry Council (AEIC).
"established in 1999 as the official private sector export promotion body for the automative industry in South Africa ...The AIEC works closely with Trade and Investment South Africa (TISA), the trade promotion arm of the Department of Trade and Industry."
Automative Industry Development Centre (AIDC).
Public-private partnership, government-owned private service provider company. "established to assist in increasing the global competitiveness of the South African automotive industry to world-class levels."
Automative Industry Development Centre-Employment Skills Development Lead Employer (AIDC ESDLE).
The AIDC was appointed by the Department of Labour as the Employment Skills Development Lead Employer for MERSETA.
Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS)
Department of Trade and Industry scheme.
Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP)
"The APDP is a flagship programme that provides incentives to attract original equipment manufacturers to invest in South Africa and to encourage the development of manufacturing capabilities throughout the automotive supply chain."
Automotive Supply Chain Competitiveness Initiative (ASCCI)
DTI initiative establsihed in October 2013.
Motor Industry Development Programme
Transition to Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP) nearly completed, March 2013.
People-carrier Automotive Investment Scheme (P-AIS)
Sub-component of the Automotive Incentive Scheme (AIS) of the Department of Trade and Industry.
Tshwane Automotive Special Enterprise Zone
Automobile industry and trade See also: Motor industry
Automobile insurance - Lesotho