[Mary Burton Papers] Description: Attached to a compliments slip from Justice in Transition in South Africa, containing advice on how to thwart various types of attacks by an enemy, including car and letter bomb etc
Date(s): Undated
[Black Sash (Cape Western Region) Archive] Description: Audio Cassette. Side A: Mary Burton speaks on the need for change and introduces the speakers. Sheena Duncan, National President, speaks on education and gives the background to the 16 June 1976 unrest. Catholic Bishop Steven Naidoo speaks on change [. . .]
Date(s): 13 October 1976
[University of South Africa Libraries' Collections] Description: Abridgement of a speech made in Johannesburg on 26th February 1964 at a meeting arranged by the Black Sash and the National Council of women for World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners.
Date(s): 1964
[Black Sash Papers] Description: Showing Homelands and some mass removals and conditions in resettlement areas
Date(s): 1977