Photograph: Black Sash/journalists 1991[Photograph Collection] Description: From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12/01/2005. B/W print. Subjects: Tony Oosthuizen, Vicky Quinlan (witness), Joan Kerchoff, Pat Merrett and two security police womenDate(s): 2 August 1991 Photograph: Budget Day 1990[Photograph Collection] Description: Subject: Joan Kerchoff. From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12/01/2005. B/W print.Date(s): 14 March 1990 Photograph: Pietermaritzburg 1988[Photograph Collection] Description: Subjects: D Stevens, M Dyer, P Krynauw, P Merrett, P Dunn, M Wittenberg, J Kerchoff, F Fouche. From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12/01/2005. B/W print.Date(s): 1988 Photograph: Protest: Violence against women[Photograph Collection] Description: From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12/01/2005. Colour print. Subjects from left: J Kerchoff, F Wiggil, L Bassett, M Kleinenberg, J Clarence, ?Photograph: Women's Protest Chain around St Alban's Cathedral, Pretoria, October 1989, showing members[Photograph Collection] Description: In protest to police action in which the same Cathedral was surrounded with razor wire to prevent a peaceful protest. Subjects wearing sashes from left: P Merrett, C Richardson, C Kerchoff, J Kerchoff. From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12 [. . .]Date(s): 21 October 1989 Photograph: Women's stand organised by Black Sash[Photograph Collection] Description: From the Mary Kleinenberg Collection. Donated 12/01/2005. Colour print. From Natal Witness. Subjects: G Wannenburg, M Wittenberg, J Kerchoff, Gill Kerchoff, F FoucheDate(s): 9 May 1992 |