[Black Sash Advice Office Archive] Description: Filed alphabetically by clients' names A-Z. Later records, 1979 onwards. Some include list of interviewees
Date(s): 1979
[Jean Sinclair Papers (President of the Black Sash)] Description: Reports for 1962/3, September/October 1964, March, August, December 1965, January 1966, October 1967-September 1968, October 1968-November 1969, February, March 1970, June, July 1970, March 1972, June-August 1972, October 1972-November 1973, February [. . .]
Date(s): 1963-1979
[Professor W A Kleynhans Collection] Description: Athlone Advice Office 1959, 1965-1969, 1983; Transvaal (including Johannesburg Advice Office) Region 1960-1982; 180 day detention; pass laws; Sophiatown; Separate Representation of Voters; Meran; Bannings and BOSS; Eersterus; influx control; black lo [. . .]
Date(s): 1955-1985
[Natal Midlands Black Sash Papers] Description: Contains Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) Aid Service Advice Office Labour Law Training Course (Athlone)
Date(s): 1991
[Black Sash (Cape Western Region) Archive] Description: Preliminary paper by Sheena Duncan on the Bill; memorandum from the Black Sash to the Select Committee on the Constitutions on the Bill, 1982; representations by the Black Sash and Athlone Advice Office to the Select Committee; articles, flyers, note [. . .]
Date(s): 1982
[Black Sash (Cape Eastern Region) Archive] Description: Includes monthly reports for th Cape Eastern Region, the Cape Western Region Athlone Advice Office and the Johannesburg Advice Office. Includes French lessions 1-42 from the Linguaphone Institute.
Date(s): c.1986-1987