Units: Creator Search Found 13 matches for Michael Hornsby - Click the Unit Title for full details

ANC flags fly at township burial

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article about the funeral of 17 activists killed in riots and clashes with police in Alexandra in 1986. Black Sash members are noted among the whites who attended.
Date(s): 6 March 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

Blacks rally to national strike call

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Black Sash in support of stayaway organised by COSATU in 1988
Date(s): 7 June 1988. Accessed 13 December 2007

Campaign on jailed children

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article about the Black Sash campaign, supported by the UDF and other human rights organisations, to have the children detained under the State of Emergency freed by Christmas 1986.
Date(s): 15 November 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

Churches condemn 'evil' forces after bomb destroys HQ

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Reference to bombing of Khotso House, headquarters of amongst others, the Black Sash.
Date(s): 1 September 1988. Accessed 13 December 2007

Figures given by police challenged

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article re detention of children in South Africa and Black Sash campaign to raise awareness of their plight and fight for their release.
Date(s): 9 December 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

Howe fights on as chance of success fades

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article is about British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe's talks with South African government officials about ending Apartheid. Brief mention of Sheena Duncan, former national president of Black Sash, who also met with him.
Date(s): 28 July 1986

Militants suspect police of Soweto student's murder

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Mentions Black Sash action of silently holding up placards with names of 19 other activists at press conference regarding the death of a Soweto teenager Godfrey Sicelo Dhlomo in suspicious circumstances.
Date(s): 29 January 1988. Accessed 13 December 2007

Police 'in the dock' and accused go free in Trojan Horse Trial

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article about various incidents of police brutality, mainly the incident in Athlone where police concealed themselves in crates in a truck and then opened fire on protestors, killing three. The article ends with a reference to Black Sash member Annic [. . .]
Date(s): 9 August 1986. Accessed 13 Decmeber 2007

Pretoria shelves plan for new township

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Black Sash mentioned as one of many organisations opposed to new township (Norweto) being built north of Johannesburg. Black Sash believes the only way to address the crisis in black housing is to remove Group Areas Act.
Date(s): 11 February 1987. Accessed 13 December 2007

Resistance born from the death of a constitution

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Article about the Black Sash, its history and work, after the death of Molly Blackburn.
Date(s): 31 January 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

South African press controls: Journalists face tighter restrictions and self-censorship demand

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Black Sash is mentioned as being critical of media as it leans towards self-censorship rather than censorship imposed by the Government.
Date(s): 8 December 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

South African rights group claims torture of children is widespread

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Memorandum compiled by the Black Sash re children under 16's experience in detention.
Date(s): 16 October 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007

Whites on holiday as blacks protest: 'Christmas against the Emergency' in South Africa

[University of Cape Town Libraries' Collections] Description: Mentions Black Sash support for the 'Christmas against the Emergency' campaign
Date(s): 17 December 1986. Accessed 13 December 2007