British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

      is the mother of Miss Maria Magdalena de Lint ('Mimmie')      is the mother of Miss Rachel Margarita Petronella de Lint ('Rykie')      is the mother of Miss Anna Catrina de Lint ('Nancy')      is the mother of Miss Classina de Lint      is the wife of Mr Petrus Paulus de Lint (Petrus Paulus Hartog de Lint, known as Pieter)
Personal Details
Name:Mrs Margarita Petronella de Lint
Other Names:de Sint; Rachel Margarita Petronella
Maiden name:Engelbrecht
Born in camp? No
Age died:
Died in camp? No
Marital status:married
Nationality:Free State
Registration as head of family:Yes

Her mother was Anna Catharina Mostert. MP was from an Engelbrecht family of Victoria West, the 4th child. 

(Explains why they left after camp Bethulie RC to Victoria West   (went to her parents / family) & the Childrens names from the various grandparents.) 

and inserts from DS. Luckhoff  (Woman\'s Endurance by Luckhoff, A. D (August D.)

Tent no 487 ? Bethulie RC


Saturday, August 24


487; Engelbrecht; Mrs. P. de Lint[9]; wonderful discovery; yet withal sad; father India; children ill; wife
broken-hearted; great rejoicing; thanksgiving for change.


Note 9:

([9] Pieter de Lint, an old College friend.)




Sunday, September 1
Mrs. De Lint\'s children are all sick; baby very bad; poor woman; am so sorry for her; Peter away in Ceylon.

Those deep rings round the eyes, which one sees all about, bear testimony to nights of watching and of

anguish in the heart. May God take pity!



Thursday, September 5th.—Tent overhauled; floor rubbed and \"smeered\" (coated); very miserable,
windy day; dust; dirt; towards evening cold south winds; fear it will work havoc with the children to-night.
The De Wets (526) sad way; so many sick; one daughter dead; two children in hospital; this afternoon baby died.


De Lintz in great misery; gnashing teeth girlie[33] weaker.


Saturday, September 7.—To-morrow is Sunday, and my sermons? O, the recklessness of it! I had
determined to set aside this afternoon for preparation.
Morning very busy.
Mrs. Mentz\' child dead.
Hospitals; hysterical girl very bad; fear she won\'t pull through; others betterish; except the fever one; veryweak.
In men\'s ward, old Mr. Petersen dying; quite conscious; waiting on God; Ps. 23.
Another youth also very bad.
Arrangements upset; funerals this morning (seven); had to rush to overtake procession; Ps. 39, \"Handbreed\"
(an hand-breadth).
Found I was burying Mrs. De Lint\'s infant and also \"she of the gnashing teeth.\"


Unique ID:89619
Camp History
Name:Bethulie RC
Age arrival:29
Date arrival:01/07/1901
Date departure:03/12/1902
Reason departure:returned home
Destination:Victoria West, CC
Farm History
Name:Stoffpoort / Stofpoort
Type:pow, no oath of neutrality
Relation to family:Husband
Notes:Petrus Ceylon
Mrs Margarita Petronella de Lint (de Sint; Rachel Margarita Petronella )
      is the mother of Master Francois Johannes de Lint ('Frank')
Title:SRC 74 Bethulie CR
Type:Camp register
Location:Free State Archives Repository
Reference No.:SRC 74