British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

      is the mother of Miss Aletta Sofia van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt, Sophia)      is the mother of Miss Mary Nash van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt)      is the mother of Miss Anna Catharina van Lielienveld (Annie Catharina; van Lelieveldt)      is the mother of Miss Henrietta Jacoba Cleynet van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt, Henrietta Jacoba)      is the mother of Miss Sarah Maria van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt, Sara Maria)      is the mother of Miss Francina Henrietta van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt, Francina)      is the mother of Miss Violet Mabel van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt, Violet)      is the mother of Miss Malrianne van Lielienveld (Malunie; van Lelieveldt, Matienie)
Personal Details
Name:Mrs Anna Catharina van Lielienveld
Other Names:van Lelieveldt
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Marital status:widowed
Registration as head of family:Yes
Unique ID:82082
Camp History
Name:Middelburg RC
Age arrival:41
Date arrival:22/05/1901
Date departure:11/09/1901
Reason departure:transferred
Destination:Belfast RC
Tent number:I 993

Name:Belfast RC
Date arrival:12/09/1901
Reason departure:transferred
Destination:Merebank RC
Tent number:452

Name:Merebank RC
Farm History
Name:Verkeerde Pan / Verkeerdepan
Mrs Anna Catharina van Lielienveld (van Lelieveldt)
      is the mother of Master Charles Nicolaas Jacobus van Lelienveld (Charles Nicolas)
Title:DBC 83 Middelburg CR
Type:Camp register
Location:National Archives, Pretoria
Reference No.:DBC 83
Notes:p. 129
Title:DBC 57 Belfast CR
Type:Camp register
Location:National Archives, Pretoria