British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Personal Details
Name:Mr Hendrik Frederick Botha
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Nationality:Free State
Unique ID:671
Camp History
Name:Kroonstad RC
Date departure:25/4/1901
Reason departure:to live in town
Notes:11/4/1901: HF Botha: applies to live in Kroonstad as his wife and family are living in the town. Member of the Peace Committee and appointed to work with the local refugee camps, attended the session of the committee held at Bloemfontein. On his arrival here the superintendent considered him an inmate of the RC whereas it was distinctly understood that he should live in town with his family and obtain permission to visit the camp. 22/4/1901: Superintendent, Kroonstad to CSRC: Has no objection to Mr Botha living in town providing he consents to be struck off the rations; as a member of the Peace Committee he is useless in camp having no influence with the people and seriously doubts if his services in town will be better appreciated. He certainly will be safer if left in Camp. / Mr Botha is allowed considerable freedom as regards visiting the town and attends every meeting of the Peace Committee, often misusing his pass to the extent of remaining in town for days, and on one occasion, for more than a week, for which he had to take him to task. He is now absent from camp without reporting himself. 25/4/1901: permission granted
Farm History
Title:SRC 05
Reference No.:05
Dates:Apr 1901
Notes:RC1272, 11/4/1901, HF Botha to Superintendent, Kroonstad and related correspondence