British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Personal Details
Name:Lieutenant Charles W Adamson
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Camp occupation:Camp Superintendent
Notes:19/1/1902: Charles Adamson to CSRC: Encloses recommendations for appointment; resigned his commission in May 1900, and until he got enteric in Dec 1900 in Bloemfontein, commanded a squadron of Kitchener's Horse; since then has been Asst Press Censor. Recommendation: Commanded a dett of Kitchener's Horse for some months at Sanna's Post, and end of 1900; had his men, chiefly Australians, in very good order, shewing that he possessed a considerable amount of tact; found he had a good eye for country and was a good mounted infantry leader. As a man has knocked about the world a good deal; thinks he would have discretion in dealing with refugees. Is socially pleasant, agreeable and gentlemanly.
Unique ID:1922
Camp History
Name:Winburg RC
Date departure:4/3/1902
Reason departure:transferred
Notes:11/3/1902: Commdt Winburg to CSRC: Commenting on the tactful manner in which Mr Adamson discharged his duties as supt during Mr Alexander's absence. He worked in perfect harmony with the military authorities here and was most popular with them in consequence; should you be at any time contemplating a change of supt here we (military) would take it as a personal favour if he were sent here. 'We all feel he is a thorough speciman of the courteous English gentleman in every sense of the word'.

Name:Heilbron RC
Out patient:Yes
Notes:27/5/1902: Adamson to CSRC: applying for leave; not a necessity but has been feeling somewhat unwell for the last 6 weeks, culminating in an attack of jaundice. 27/5/1902: Tregaskis, PMO to CSRC: has lately been very depressed and run down, he is now in bed suffering from an attack of jaundice. There has been a good deal of extra work lately in reorganising the camp and placing it on a better basis in which Mr Adamson has not spared himself. Recommends a fortnight's leave.
Title:SRC 24
Reference No.:24
Dates:May-June 1902
Notes:RC8561, 22/5/1902, CSRC to Superintendent, Heilbron and related correspondence
Title:SRC 36
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:36
Dates:Jan-Feb 1902
Notes:A611: 19/1/1902: Charles Adamson to CSRC and related correspondence
Title:SRC 38
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:38
Dates:Feb-Mar 1902
Notes:A936: 4/3/1902: CSRC to Adamson and related correspondence
Title:SRC 41
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:41
Dates:May-June 1902
Notes:A1380: 27/5/1902: Adamson to CSRC and related correspondence