British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Personal Details
Name:Mr Edward R Alexander
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Marital status:married
Occupation:clerk of court, Wepener
Unique ID:174
Camp History
Name:Winburg RC
Date departure:14/04/1902
Date departure:25/4/1902
Reason departure:dismissed for incompetence
Destination:Vredefort Road RC
Date appointed (as staff):26/10/1901
Notes:12/4/1902: CSRC to Alexander: Dismissing him because of unfavourable reports about his camp. 14/4/1901: Memorial from refugees requesting that he be not removed. 'We have, in the past, had our experience of an indifferent chief; and now that we have at last obtained a really good officer, and one moreover under whose care this Camp has vastly improved, we are very much concerned to hear that there is a chance of our losing him. 14/4/1920: Telegram: Hamilton to Comfort: As act of clemency suggest you might reconsider and offer Alexander assistant supt under strong man. Nd: Alexander to CSRC: Any unfavourable reports on my camp could only emanate from, those who have some ulterior motive, from a condition of chaos, I have improved my camp into something like order - but in the hands of enemies these facts would undoubtedly be kept from your knowledge. Also the lying slander engineered and trumped up by Currie and utterly disproved by reliable witnesses (ie if the full evidence was placed before you) should point out that I have been receiving, both mean and cowardly treatment. I am certain that if an impartial inspection of my camp and allowance made for the scarcity of labour and other difficulties would result in a reconsideration of my case - in the interest of ordinary justice. States that it is quite common property that Cyril Hamilton has a very unfriendly feeling towards him. Refers instead to Cole Bown for general estimation he was held in at Norvals Pont. Sent to Vredefort Road to take a group of refugees to Uitenhage

Name:Uitenhage RC
Date departure:14/5/1902
Reason departure:resigned
Notes:14/5/1902: Alexander to CSRC: tendering resignation. Had I been treated with the courtesy generally accorded to the ordinary criminal being allowed to say a word in my defence I would not have been unjustly deprived of my position in Winburg. My reason for resigning is that I do not care to remain in a service holding out no other prospect but injustice and discourtesy.
Title:SRC 02
Reference No.:02
Dates:Feb 1901-7 Mar 1901
Notes:RC381, 28/2/1901, Monthly report on Norval's Pont RC
Title:SRC 15
Reference No.:15
Dates:Oct-Nov 1901
Notes:RC5765, 26/10/1901, Superintendent, Winburg to CSRC and related correspondence
Title:SRC 14
Reference No.:14
Dates:Sept-Oct 1901
Notes:RC5355, 5/10/1901, Telegram, Superintendent, Norvals Pont to CSRC
Title:SRC 15
Reference No.:15
Dates:Oct-Nov 1901
Notes:RC5765, 26/10/1901, Superintendent, Winburg to CSRC and related correspondence
Title:SRC 40
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:40
Dates:Apr-May 1902
Notes:A1256: 30/4/1902: SRC Winburg to CSRC and related correspondence
Title:SRC 40
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:40
Dates:Apr-May 1902
Notes:A1256: 30/4/1902: SRC Winburg to CSRC and related correspondence
Title:SRC 41
Type:Correspondence: appointments
Reference No.:41
Dates:May-June 1902
Notes:A1322: 14/5/1902: Alexander to CSRC and related correspondence