British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Personal Details
Name:Mrs Bam
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Notes:21/6/1901: has 2 children
Unique ID:1584
Camp History
Name:Springfontein RC
Date departure:9/7/1901
Reason departure:to join husband
Destination:Wellington, CC
Notes:21/6/1901: Mrs Bam is an invalid and has been for several years; encloses certificate of Dr Petersen who operated on her some years ago; partially restored her health but not free from suffering. 1/7/1901: Superintendent to CSRC: Suggests if she is allowed to go, she be watched. 'She and all her family (Malherbes DR Ministry) are very bitter against us.' 9/7/1901: permit forwarded.
Farm History
Name:Bam family
Title:SRC 09
Reference No.:09
Dates:June - July 1901
Notes:RC3186, 21/6/1901, CD Bam to Superintendent, Springfontein and related correspondence