British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Personal Details
Name:Mrs Boudina Fivaz
Maiden name:van Heyningen
Place of birth:Winburg
Born in camp? No
Place of death:Bloemfontein RC
Age died:34 years
Died in camp? Yes
Cause of death:peritonitis
Marital status:married
Nationality:Free State
Notes:11/6/1901: OM, Orphan Chamber, Bloemfontein: Received from CSRC a gold ring belonging to the estate of the late Mrs B Fivaz, born van Heyningen Henry Becker: Mrs Fivaz arrived this camp suffering great pain.Her history was that she went to the farm Tempe to gain strength after typhoid. She was there but a week & at the end of that period, she was given according to her own statement, repeated frequently a 'large' dose of castor oil. She appears to have objected to it but after persuasion on the part of her hostess Mrs Williams, she took this oil. She soon suffered pain from the effects of this oil, was sent back per cart in great pain & arrived here in great pain. She was found suffering from peritonitis of a severe form, & in spite of all medical aid, died in less than 24 hours after her arrival here. One death notice gives birthplace as Potchefstroom, other as Winburg; children: Margaretha, Cecil, Dorothea
Unique ID:1150
Camp History
Name:Bloemfontein RC
Notes:30/6/1901: Re inquiries about the children of John George Fivaz, eldest child is with Mrs Herbst, second with Mrs Bilse and youngest with Mrs Borckenhagen of Bloemfontein. All well provided for, healthy and happy.
Farm History
Name:Makopo / Macopo / Malopo / Niokopa / Mocopa / Mokopo
District:Thaba 'Nchu
Title:SRC 08
Reference No.:08
Dates:June 1901
Notes:RC2804, 20/6/1901, CSRC to Commandant Bethulie
Title:H 754 Estates
Location:Free State Archives Repository
Reference No.:754
Notes:Death notices
Title:SRC 08
Reference No.:08
Dates:June 1901
Notes:RC2804, 20/6/1901, CSRC to Commandant Bethulie
Title:Government Gazette of the Orange River Colony
Notes:7/6/1901, p.232