British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

      is the Father of Miss Magdalena Gertruida Kriel (Magdalena; kind van D Kriel)      is the Father of Miss baby 1 Kriel (twin of baby 2; kind van Dirk Kriel, Cath Perona, meisje)      is the Father of Miss baby 2 Kriel (twin of baby 1; meisje, Eliz Joha Susm, kind van Dirk Kriel)      is the Father of Mr Carl Kriel      is the Father of Mr Wessel Kriel      is the Father of Master Jacobus Kriel      is the Father of Master Hermanus Kriel      is the Father of Master Dirk Cornelis Kriel (Dirk)      is the Father of Master Gabriel Jacobus Kriel (Gabriel)      is the Father of Mr Karl Kriel
Personal Details
Name:Mr Dirk Kriel
Born in camp? No
Died in camp? No
Marital status:married
Registration as head of family:Yes
Notes:Kriel listed just before him is associated with the farm on which this man surrendered and could be his brother, on whose farm this man is a bywoner.
Unique ID:111206
Camp History
Name:Barberton RC
Age arrival:42
Date arrival:08/07/1901
Date departure:24/08/1902
Reason departure:Transferred
Destination:Standerton RC
Tent number:454

Name:Standerton RC
Farm History
Name:Kriel family
Notes:no property
Relation to family:Self
Notes:Surrendered at Rooival 18 Jun 1901
Mr Dirk Kriel
      is the Husband of Mrs Catherina Petronella Kriel
Title:DBC 54 Barberton CR
Type:Camp register
Location:National Archives, Pretoria
Reference No.:DBC 54
Notes:p.169 and p. 193