British Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Browse People in Kroonstad RCBrowse People who died in Kroonstad RC

Name:Kroonstad RC
Date open:01/03/1901
Date open (general):Before March 1901
Date closed:12/01/1903
Date closed (general):14/1/1903
Rations:15/2/1901: For native refugees: Natives over 12 years of age: Daily: 1½ lbs either mealies, K/corn, unsifted meal or mealie meal; ¼ oz salt; Weekly: 1 lb fresh or tinned meat; ½ coffee; 2 oz sugar - all but the corn to cost 4½d per ration. See Asam%>
Notes:15/1/1903: Telegram, Superintendent, Kroonstad to CSRC: Camp cleared yesterday. Weekly telegram nil.%>
Unique ID:12