BCCDBritish Concentration Camps
of the South African War

Unknown column 'Richard_Hamilton' in 'where clause'
Personal Details
Name:Dr Richard Hamilton
Other Names:One and Six
Born in camp? No
Age died:
Died in camp? No
Camp occupation:doctor

Completed his medical studies in London in 1895 and admitted as a medical practioner in South Africa in 1897; in 1899 he was practising in Johannesburg; he was clearly popular with Henrietta Armstrong, who spoke well of him.

Henrietta Armstrong has this to say of him: p.11: that he was most sympathetic to the Boer women and children [H Armstrong, The Camp Diary of Henrietta E.C. Armstrong. (Pretoria, HSRC, 1980)

p.76 footnote 59: ‘Dr Richard Hamilton who had completed his medical studies in London in 1895 [Evh: which makes him quite a young man, still in his 20s I imagine] was admitted into South Africa as a medical practitioner in 1897 and practised in Johannesburg in 1899. According to Miss Van Warmelo, Dr. Hamilton was nicknamed “One and Six” (1/6).’

p.77: ‘Wednesday 1st May: We are very sorry to hear that Doctor Hamilton is to be transferred to Volksrust. It’s the work of the horrid commandant. Doctor does too much for the sick – orders [p.78] too many comforts.’

Unique ID:114742